
Full Post List

Feb 25, 2025: Hooray for brew bundle dump.

Feb 7, 2025: Bash’s treatment of empty associative arrays when set -o nounset is in effect is infuriating. Worked around it by putting a bogus value in the …

Jan 24, 2025: Spent a few minutes finding all the status pages for all the services I use so that I don’t have to find them later when I’m having …

Jan 23, 2025: systemd enable is such a misnomer.

Jan 13, 2025: Barely set up box keeps defaulting to using nano and I’m confused as anything.

Jan 12, 2025: 📷 Loop support

Jan 1, 2025: Getting Overcast listening statistics into a usable form Screenshot list view a page at a time to clipboard. ⌘-N to create new document in, which uses the image on the clipboard. Use text …

Dec 22, 2024: Woman making announcement at a concert in the desert: Can the girl who brought Redd Kross here come up here? Caroline or whatever? (pause) You got …

Dec 12, 2024: Personal state of streaming at the end of 2024: Dropped Disney Plus and Curiosity Stream. Continuing Criterion Channel, WOW Presents Plus, and …

Dec 1, 2024: 📺 Breakmaster Cyliinder - “Mad Max: Fury Road Rescore” The iconic chase with the soundtrack completely replaced by a mashup artist.

Dec 1, 2024: 📺Abandoned - Soviet Space Shuttles The old Buran program craft remnants continue to decay.

Nov 29, 2024: Just watched They Drive by Night (1940). A really wandering plot. Criterion labelled it “noir”, but I don’t know that I would …

Nov 24, 2024: Recreating approximately 15 years of accumulated mail rules is not fun. Glad that I was forewarned so that I could save a webarchive of my old rules.

Nov 22, 2024: Today’s fortune(8) is another fine Zippy the Pinhead quote: I HAVE to buy a new “DODGE MISER” and two dozen JORDACHE JEANS because my viewscreen is …

Nov 16, 2024: Watched Arrival (2016) again. It is so good, but 😭.

Nov 15, 2024: Today I learned that Slack has a per-person limit of 23 reactions per message. There can be more than 23 reaction “reacji” on a message, …

Nov 8, 2024: RISC V continues to progress in measured steps.

Oct 16, 2024: I find the existence of the yes command to be a failure.

Oct 16, 2024: yes | sudo unminimize 🙄😞

Oct 13, 2024: Finally learned how to get Zsh help to work properly. Had to do a bunch of other stuff to get HELPDIR set appropriately for my setup, but, finally.

Oct 13, 2024: Sticker graffiti got me to go to a band’s Bandcamp page and listen to them. Unfortunately, from their YouTube channel, they broke up last month. …

Oct 8, 2024: Watching Parents. What a good weird movie. A boy in 1950s suburbia suspects his parents may be cannibals. Michael: “What are we eating?” Mom: …

Oct 2, 2024: Criterion Channel's current “Rebels at the Typewriter: Women Screenwriters of the 1930s” collection Finished watching all 16 movies in Criterion Channel’s current “Rebels at the Typewriter: Women Screenwriters of the 1930s” collection. The ones …

Oct 2, 2024: 📺 The Moon’s Orbit is WEIRD Really nice discussion of why the Moon’s path around the Sun does not involve loops.

Sep 13, 2024: ∙> bash -c '(( 0 )); echo $?' 1 ∙> bash -c '(( 1 )); echo $?' 0 True is false and false is true? Say what, Bash?!?

Sep 6, 2024: Found out about -H as an alternative to f/--forest option to Linux ps. Does not show ASCII art, however does indent children of PID 1, which makes a …

Aug 27, 2024: 📺🎥 “We shot a YouTube video about film formats on 35mm film” 😂

Aug 27, 2024: *le sigh* The -format json option to vault doesn’t cause it to emit errors as JSON. > vault token lookup -format json Error looking up token: Error …

Aug 27, 2024: I thought there should be a “standard” utility for overwriting the content of files with random garbage on most Linux systems. Unsurprisingly, …

Aug 26, 2024: My private motto has always been “Behind every silver lining is a cloud.”. — Glenn Gould

Aug 26, 2024: 📺🎥“The Sustained Two-Shot” Every Frame a Painting is back!!! 🎊🎉 🎊🎉 🎊🎉 🎊🎉 🎊

Aug 23, 2024: TIL about bundle _VERSION_ … to force Bundler to use VERSION of Bundler, regardless of whatever Bundler guesses that it should be using. E.g. bundle …

Aug 17, 2024: American Standard - “My Bathroom” from The Bathrooms Are Coming! (1969) 📺

Aug 4, 2024: “Where did the art go?”

Jul 26, 2024: Bah. All these “low footprint” Docker images turn you into a Linux distro builder having to assemble a list of packages that you need/want.

Jul 26, 2024: Male or Female: Could I Love a Pair of Wings? 🎵📺

Jul 23, 2024: TIL, services fronted by Cloudflare won’t let you use “/etc/passwd” or “/etc/group” in their input. 🙄

Jul 19, 2024: Do not use pyenv, rbenv, non-root-user whatever language runtime manager. Build and lock down your runtimes. There should be a sudo chmod -R ugo-w …; …

Jul 11, 2024: I semi-regularly use the . (plain files) and * (executable files) Zsh glob qualifiers. (The way to remember these is to think of ls output.)

Jul 11, 2024: Why, yes, I am trawling through the Zsh docs looking for means of picking out a subset of files out of a directory, why do you ask?

Jul 11, 2024: Zsh D glob qualifier: sets the GLOB_DOTS option for the current pattern ∙> echo *git* zsh: no matches found: *git* 1> echo *git*(D) .git …

Jul 11, 2024: Zsh N glob qualifier: sets the NULL_GLOB option for the current pattern •> echo nosuchfile* zsh: no matches found: nosuchfile* 1> echo …

Jul 11, 2024: From the Zsh documentation: If a word begins with an unquoted ‘=’ and the EQUALS option is set, the remainder of the word is taken as the …

Jul 4, 2024: Shakespeare’s use of the word “cypher" and the origin of the multiplication symbol, ×. 📺

Jun 26, 2024: George Antheil’s Ballet Mécanique, which requires 16 synchronized player-pianos was never fully realized in his lifetime. (backstory) 🎵

Jun 18, 2024: TIL that the /lib/systemd/systemd --user process for a user with linger enabled does not automatically pick up group membership changes. Also, there …

Jun 13, 2024: Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. I first heard this epigram from Laurie Anderson, but its origin is seriously complicated.

Jun 13, 2024: I find it weird that /var/lib/systemd/linger contains usernames instead of UIDs.

Jun 7, 2024: > systemctl status non_existent.slice ● non_existent.slice Loaded: loaded Active: inactive (dead) Ummm… say what? Where exactly did you load that …

May 22, 2024: Navigating data flows in GitHub Actions is… an adventure.

May 19, 2024: Discovered that I somehow still have Growl installed. That was a flashback.

May 18, 2024: For some reason, I was reminded of the “greatness” that is Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969). 🎥

May 16, 2024: EditorConfig and Vim Finally got around to hooking up EditorConfig into my Vim setup… " Look for and interpret .editorconfig files. " …

May 16, 2024: It’s May 16th. This day in 1964, the FBI drops its years-long investigation into the pop song “Louie Louie.” The “Louie …

May 16, 2024: Please stop writing those illegible, infinitely long and/or infinitely continued-with-backslashes lines in Dockerfiles. Use here docs, just like lots …

May 14, 2024: Every time I see a file with a .yml extension I think “did not typing that ‘a’ really save you that much time?”.

May 11, 2024: 📷 One way

May 1, 2024: Surprisingly low numbers are unresolved in the ways that they’re imperfect. An amazing thing about 276. 📺

Apr 27, 2024: Having used Codeium for several weeks now with Vim, it’s a mixed bag. It can speed things up for sequential code writing, but for mass-changes, it …

Apr 26, 2024: The macOS Character Viewer 🅿 problem. Today’s bit of fun… the macOS Character Viewer, when you use it to enter 🅿, not only enters the U+1F17F NEGATIVE SQUARED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P …

Apr 26, 2024: GitHub-flavored-Markdown supports alerts. Who knew? Markdown alert style content blocks on Github

Apr 17, 2024: Hooray for Ctrl-z / bg / disown %1.

Apr 17, 2024: Feel so disappointed 😞 when I feel like I need to resort to monkey punching (“monkey patching” is not violent enough of a metaphor).

Apr 10, 2024: Apple’s Universal Links suck. They cause me to uninstall apps to get around them. You can work around them on macOS, though.

Apr 10, 2024: 🌱 Spring sprig 📷

Apr 4, 2024: Leidenfrost Effect. Macro. Slow Mo. 📺🌫️😂

Apr 2, 2024: What if you swam in a nuclear storage pool? 📺☢️🏊‍♂️

Mar 31, 2024: It’s always weird when you watch a movie that you’ve never seen before and realize that music that you’ve listened to a lot has samples from it.

Mar 30, 2024: Heinz Is Putting Up Ketchup Dispensers To Tempt Chicagoans With Forbidden Condiment 🌭

Mar 22, 2024: What’s with Easter egg nog?

Mar 14, 2024: Can gravitational waves interfere with each other? 🪐📺 Dr. Becky is this really great blend of academic and enthusiasm.

Mar 14, 2024: 🙄 at APIs that deprecate interfaces that you still need to use for newly added features.

Mar 11, 2024: Do not use /usr/bin/curl on macOS if you care about the --cacert option. WTF, Apple?

Mar 11, 2024: Really weird hearing all the other songs by a one album wonder almost 30 years later… Extra Fancy and Kitchens of Distinction were ‘90s revelations …

Mar 5, 2024: I remove all minimized code from JavaScript libraries that I use (I don’t need to deal with mobile clients), and today I am very grateful for …

Mar 5, 2024: Would a Submarine Work as a Spaceship? 🚀📺

Mar 3, 2024: The Doubleclicks live at Wabash College 2024 🎵📺

Feb 23, 2024: Had problems getting a systemd service to change the slice it runs under. What finally worked was systemctl stop … systemctl disable … systemctl …

Feb 15, 2024: I 💙 sd_notify(3).

Feb 15, 2024: The thing about reading systemd docs is continually having to remind yourself what version you’ve got available. systemctl --version

Feb 13, 2024: Multiple Discovery: The Curious Case of Simultaneous Invention by the great Kirby Ferguson 📺

Feb 13, 2024: 📷 Cathedral of transit

Feb 7, 2024: … There was one other, but she was in Egypt. And, besides, she didn’t last as long as I did.

Feb 6, 2024: What if you threw a baseball at nearly light speed? ⚾ 📺

Jan 23, 2024: Searching YouTube for classical music — result 1: “whatever, best version” result 2: “whatever - the original and best version” result 3: etc..

Jan 18, 2024: New Lustmord! Behold a Voice as Thunder 📺🎵

Jan 16, 2024: TIL of the German Coast uprising, the largest slave revolt in U.S. history, which resulted from, in multiple ways, the Haitian Revolution.

Jan 14, 2024: It took awhile, but I was finally able to watch The Set-Up (1949), and thus able to catch up with the first episode of Lions, Towers, and Shields.

Jan 14, 2024: Movies were not considered “free speech” until 1952.

Jan 2, 2024: Installed zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting everywhere.

Jan 1, 2024: Yeah, yeah, Steamboat Willie, yeah, but the work that I’m most excited about becoming public domain today is The Front Page. I hope to see versions of …

Dec 31, 2023: The final episode of The Day the Universe Changed (on what questions society allows science to ask, how that affects our understanding of the …

Dec 23, 2023: Growing up in the Chicago area in the 1980s makes this so weird:…

Dec 22, 2023: Some fine weirdness: Stone Giants: The Girl With The Great Ideas (That I Steal) 📺🎵

Dec 22, 2023: Hearing a pop song for the first time outside of a Breakmaster Cylinder mashup on Canada’s Drag Race…

Dec 20, 2023: Hour-long interview of Ben Burtt by Adam Savage. Nicely done. Burtt says that “THX”, the name of the sound system, is not derived from Lucas’ movie …

Dec 19, 2023: Firefox can now force links to always be underlined. This option can be enabled in the Browsing section of the Firefox Settings menu. – Firefox 121 …

Dec 14, 2023: There are podcasts that I listen at 1x to allow time to absorb the material. There are podcasts I listen at 1x to enjoy the hosts' voices. There is 1 …

Dec 10, 2023: Hugo Montenegro and His Orchestra - “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" 🎵📺

Dec 10, 2023: Cyberaktif - “A Single Trace" 🎵📺

Dec 8, 2023: Third party cookies start going away next year. I have my doubts about how fast this will actually happen.

Dec 7, 2023: “What would a magnitude 15 earthquake be like?": 📺 Ugh. All these -15 “earthquakes” happening around my chair.

Dec 3, 2023: 🍂

Dec 3, 2023: If you have an iPhone and you haven’t explored the settings in the Magnifier app, you should spend five minutes playing around with them, just to know …

Dec 2, 2023: Getting back into after 11 years and, yeah, my tastes appear to be as esoteric as ever. I understand power law applies, but, dang, so many …

Nov 30, 2023: Fairly good explanation of why I am disappointed in @manton every time he mentions DHH or any of the other 37S-related products or people: …

Nov 28, 2023: Schema design win of the day: splatting “description” and “notes” columns over even the most trivial of entities so that …

Nov 19, 2023: Pigface had many times the number of members of This Mortal Coil and twice the output, but was way more chaotic and hit-or-miss. Grateful for both. 🎵

Nov 19, 2023: Still find the output of This Mortal Coil to have been miraculous. How such an amalgamation of a large number of artists, even under the direction of …

Nov 19, 2023: I’m saddened every time I see anyone use alias; it should be considered a deprecated relic of ancient times. Any time you think you should …

Nov 19, 2023: Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb is fantastic; a great, entertaining, dual biography. 🎥

Nov 10, 2023: Today, mourning the lack of a “nightmare” emoji.

Nov 9, 2023: You need to laugh at all the bros complaining about the newness of “cis”; were they not paying attention to all the mentions of cis-Alpine Gaul in …

Nov 9, 2023: 🍂

Nov 9, 2023: I dislike when there are new credentials or other environment-specific configuration added to a system because you can’t test that your …

Nov 7, 2023: 🍂

Nov 3, 2023: Reminder to myself that systemctl list-timers is a thing.

Nov 3, 2023: Reminder that Unix epoch time is a lie because it ignores leap seconds, i.e. seconds do not represent a consistent length of time.

Oct 25, 2023: You go into an Errol Morris documentary with high expectations, and The Pigeon Tunnel meets them. I really liked it.

Oct 25, 2023: I thought my web app’s date/time display functionality was broken. Went chasing things down, and it turns out that, if you turn on Firefox’s …

Oct 20, 2023: Roger Ebert - Night of the Living Dead (1969) audience review Interesting observation of the state of movies and matinee audiences at the end of the …

Oct 17, 2023: Slack interprets Mastodon post bodies as “mrkdwn”. 🤔

Oct 16, 2023: libyaml doesn’t support emitting comments? 😞

Oct 9, 2023: Sonoma apparently breaks wallpaper settings in all kinds of ways. I was able to mostly get things back the way that I want, but you apparently cannot …

Oct 8, 2023: Simple little zsh function that makes my life easier every day: function newdir { if [[ $# != 1 ]] then emit-warning usage: newdir directory return 1 …

Oct 5, 2023: There’s nothing in the JSON specification that says that Graham’s number is an invalid value, although finding a computer that could do …

Oct 3, 2023: Make everyone’s life easier and just statically link everything. Including libc.

Oct 1, 2023: Watching Andor again. I know what happens and yet I’m still tense.

Oct 1, 2023: One of my favorite lines from any movie— Roberta Muldoon from The World According to Garp: I mean, I had mine removed surgically under general …

Sep 15, 2023: In the (northern hemisphere) Fall 2023 Apple operating systems, you can disable animated images throughout the system, with an option on a context …

Sep 13, 2023: So apparently, due to a 1920s Supreme Court case, all the data that current cars gather on you (e.g. every place you’ve been in the past however long) …

Sep 9, 2023: Watching old movies reminds me: I don’t miss dealing with paper maps.

Sep 4, 2023: Cicada season is annoying.

Sep 4, 2023: The most jarring thing when watching non-English language films is when some random English pops up in the middle of the dialogue. You’re left with a …

Aug 21, 2023: TIL that there is an SQLite database of Unicode included in every macOS installation. Running sqlite3 '/System/Library/Input …

Aug 14, 2023: Love Notes to Newton 📺 Hour and a half documentary on the creation of the Apple Newton and the fandom that developed. Hang in after the credits for …

Aug 8, 2023: Sunny X, composed by Tyondai Braxton, performed by Third Coast Percussion Oddball and out there and awesome. 📺🎵

Aug 4, 2023: The most epic Wikipedia article I’ve ever read: Air Canada 143: Gimli Glider. Someone had fun writing this one.

Aug 3, 2023: British McDonalds got a sequence in the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

Jun 30, 2023: Why Jupiter made the new gravitational wave discovery possible 🪐🤯📺

May 9, 2023: Is there a Black Hole in our Solar System? 📺 Holy crud, this idea is awesome. Chances of it being true are low, but what if…

May 5, 2023: It’s International Tuba Day! Go celebrate with some Mucca Pazza! 🎵

Mar 29, 2023: Today I learned of the existence of systemd-nspawn. Who needs Docker? 😉

Mar 22, 2023: It’s Time to Legalize Sampling Damn straight.

Mar 21, 2023: 📺 Everything is a Remix — Complete Updated 2023 Edition Now you can watch the entire awesome thing in one go.

Mar 19, 2023: Watched Island of Lost Souls, which, of course, means that one must immediately listen to Oingo Boingo.

Mar 17, 2023: May developers of Nope.js packages that only distribute minimized code be cursed with unreliable debugging tools.

Mar 10, 2023: I love Hey Asshole by 1000 Homo DJs. 🎵 Like my boots? 🎵

Mar 10, 2023: Disappointed that :w3n creates a file named 3n in Vim.

Mar 7, 2023: Kirby Ferguson has done it again: Sad that he couldn’t make it work financially.

Mar 5, 2023: Breed to Death by Dismantled just came up on shuffle.

Mar 5, 2023: The current “1Password for Safari” Mac app is such a pain in the ass. It won’t stay unlocked if you use “Clear History” …

Mar 1, 2023: Yesterday I learned that not-very-old versions of Bash, when set -o nounset is in effect, treat empty arrays as being unset. 😞

Feb 24, 2023: Dear 1Password, your password policies suck.

Feb 9, 2023: This is evil:… Of course the company that does all the click-tracking wants to put more tracking out there.

Jan 24, 2023: Hooray for BirdsiteLIVE! I can now keep up to date with @cta. For other Twitter accounts, I can use my feed reader’s Twitter support. The problem with …

Jan 15, 2023: Today’s Tweetbot drama and Hockenberry’s resignation at the general situation make me sad, on top of everything else that has happened …

Jan 14, 2023: Bought Re: Toot for use with iMessage, not for quote posting. Would be nice if Mastodon HTML included the headers that iMessage looks for.

Jan 14, 2023: RISC V is fragmenting, but it does not matter. I wonder what the king of processor transitions, Apple, will do with it if Arm falters.

Jan 13, 2023: No third-party clients, no Twitter for me.

Jan 13, 2023: Parsing command line options by hand in Bash because I need array-valued options. getopt(1) won’t work for my case.

Jan 1, 2023: JavaScript’s .sort() (without any parameters) always casts elements to strings. Whee.

Dec 22, 2022: Looks like tech Twitter is hollowed out. Most of the developers are gone, though there are a few cross-posting. People with “audiences” are hanging …

Dec 20, 2022: Glad that I live in a state where facial recognition is illegal.…

Dec 18, 2022: Took a screenshot of my Twitter profile as a record in case I get banned.

Dec 13, 2022: Merry Kilmas to all who celebrate.

Dec 13, 2022: Cheeba City Blues sounds like Jack Dangers has joined Bill and Rhys in Noise Unit.

Dec 5, 2022: One of the “entertaining” bits of date math: for a perspective that gets commonly used, the number of months between the 1st and 31st of …

Dec 2, 2022: How the Fediverse is going for me: posting from; boosting from Mastodon.

Nov 22, 2022: All science is either physics or stamp collecting. Lots of stuff I didn’t know before. 📺

Nov 18, 2022: I get so much utility from Twitter. For one tiny aspect, it’s the best way for me to keep up to date with CTA status and National Weather …

Nov 16, 2022: Yet again, [expletive] git is so damn bad at merging YAML.

Nov 10, 2022: The first evidence for dark matter in a black hole?! 📺 This is really good. Starting to understand this idea of dark matter being …

Nov 10, 2022: One of today’s moods.

Nov 6, 2022: Weird reading the announcement about some new music “… features backing vocals by the late, great [musician that you like]…”. …

Oct 5, 2022: Lard - 70s Rock Must Die 🎵 I played this for a friend once and he said that it was too much an example of the thing it is trying to criticize. I still …

Sep 30, 2022: Chrome and Safari still don’t have built-in JSON formatting? Seriously? Steal Firefox’s JSON handling, please.

Sep 29, 2022: Malware that likes to give the middle finger to anyone that wants to de-fang it. Securonix Threat Labs Security Advisory: Detecting STEEP#MAVERICK: New Covert Attack Campaign Targeting Military Contractors Most malware, when it …

Sep 28, 2022: Watch Baraka (1992) and fall in love with Dead Can Dance again. 🎥

Sep 12, 2022: I just “love” responses from the Slack API like fatal_error; not only are they uninformative, they’re not valid JSON.

Sep 9, 2022: ASMR insanity: Drunk Mel Gibson Arrest Diorama 📺 So, so awesome.

Aug 23, 2022: I wish Linux supported SIGINFO.

Aug 22, 2022: I ❤️ HTTP status 204.

Aug 14, 2022: Gotta be one of the best hooks ever: 🎵 Who will tell my drunken friend that she will die and go to Hell? 🎵

Jul 27, 2022: Streaming services need a hide-all-horror-movies switch. I don’t even want to see the poster images.

Jul 27, 2022: MOnuMENTImotion: 10 minutes of fine eastern European weirdness. 📺 Today has turned out to be Spomenik Day.

Jul 5, 2022: Obscure by Jlin, performed by Third Coast Percussion 🎵📺

Jun 24, 2022: “Miami is a vibrant, growing metropolis that embodies the American Dream — embracing the possibilities of what can be achieved by a community working …

Jun 23, 2022: Sooooooo much wasted space because Postgres doesn’t support unsigned integers…

Jun 7, 2022: The Censored Drag Queens of World War II

May 27, 2022: Ugh. All the head canon violations.

May 26, 2022: “How to Murder Your Husband” writer found guilty of murdering her husband That headline wrote itself.

May 2, 2022: The scp command is changing Surprising that this misfeature lasted this long. Future deprecation notice A near-future release of OpenSSH will switch scp(1) from using the legacy …

Apr 19, 2022: DNA Lounge is dropping vaccination requirements so they can stay in business. This sucks.

Apr 18, 2022: Ah, the “wonderful” feeling of making large-scale changes to authorization code. It could be worse. I could be making large-scale changes …

Apr 13, 2022: Today I learned that there was a North American Cat Gap.

Apr 5, 2022: Really wish that SQL supported the concept of “we know there isn’t a value here” in addition the the idea of “we don’t …

Apr 1, 2022: “Script”: a slur used by programming language bigots to denigrate dynamic languages. “That isn’t s real program; it’s only a script.”

Mar 31, 2022: According to the Chicago Board of Elections Illinois residents can now register for a Permanent Vote by Mail Roster. 🗳️✉️🙌

Mar 24, 2022: *mumble* *grumble* Frickin' systems that won’t obey Unicode variation selector 15. *mumble*

Mar 16, 2022: Press by Devonté Hynes, Third Coast Percussion with The People’s Music School 📺

Feb 13, 2022: Pickup on South Street is spectacular. Thanks to Lions, Towers, & Shields, I’ll watch whatever Shelly Brisbin tells me to. 🎥

Feb 11, 2022: Ah, the modern age of programming against an API that involves case-insensitivity. How does it do the comparison? Comparing upper case? Comparing …

Feb 11, 2022: Website fined by German court for leaking visitor’s IP address via Google Fonts Good. Need more of this.

Feb 2, 2022: Weird that, in 2022, Ruby still doesn’t have a fold-case method for Strings. Oops, turns out that there is case folding, but you have to call …

Jan 14, 2022: What is a number? 📺 This is really, really good.

Jan 9, 2022: Just set a reminder for January 9th, 2032 to renew my Pinboard account. 😄

Dec 27, 2021: It’s been a This Mortal Coil festival around here for the last week or so.

Dec 25, 2021: Enjoy the story of the Puritan war on Christmas:… 🎙

Dec 24, 2021: Merry Consumermas: 🎄💰🎵📺

Dec 14, 2021: I learn about memes that I didn’t know existed by watching Kirby Ferguson. 📺

Dec 9, 2021: Today’s dumb mistake: sudo iptables -A INPUT -j DROP 😳

Dec 3, 2021: Regulators don’t allow any licensee to buy Arm; does Arm go under?… If so, what is RISC V’s governance structure? …

Nov 12, 2021: 🍂 Fall-iage 📷

Nov 11, 2021: “Iguazú Superior, antes de descender por la Garganta del Diablo” by Georg Friedrich Haas performed by Third Coast Percussion 📺🎵

Nov 10, 2021: Metaverse 1994:

Nov 4, 2021: The wonderous thing about the pandemic life is all the package tracking you get to do wherein you learn about all the small towns that have had …

Oct 29, 2021: Eating Raoul (1982) is still awesome: Beat me! Whip me! Make me write bad checks!

Oct 27, 2021: It sits on a shelf next to a copy of K&R (2nd ed.). (Prompted by brian d foy’s 8th ed. post:… )

Oct 17, 2021: GNU coreutils v9:…

Oct 12, 2021: <meta charset="utf-16"> 🤮

Oct 6, 2021: Weird hearing Kirby Ferguson (Patreon/Twitter) sampled on the new Ministry album.

Sep 9, 2021: A taco made with a pita instead of a tortilla is a sandwich. 🌮

Sep 8, 2021: 🎵 I can see the future, and it makes me wish that I was blind 🎵…

Sep 8, 2021: I still find it hilarious that Slack interprets “mrkdwn” in tweets.

Sep 8, 2021: It is not clear from the systemd.time man page, but OnCalendar=*-*-* *:*/10:00 UTC is invalid. OnCalendar=*-*-* *:08/10:00 UTC works.

Sep 2, 2021: Bounty Hunter Tears Into Houston on Motorcycle Wearing Bandolier of Pregnancy Tests 📰

Aug 28, 2021: Really weird to have to buy physical media to get legal access to something in 2021.

Aug 25, 2021: A comment I made in some code today: I will be shocked if this code doesn't need adjusting or throwing away and rewriting, but you have to start …

Aug 24, 2021: The mysterious origins of Universe's biggest black holes Black holes on a collision course spin around one another with increasing speed as they draw closer. But very large black holes reach a point at about …

Aug 24, 2021: Just amazing animation of 100 marble drop machines feeding one-into-another: 📺 via

Aug 13, 2021: 1Password 7 will be the last version of 1Password to support standalone vaults. Well. Shit.

Aug 12, 2021: I like this idea: Illinois Is The First State To Have High Schools Teach News Literacy. I hope it succeeds.

Aug 11, 2021: Today’s bounce inducer.

Aug 4, 2021: Bouncing along to the Icon of Coil cover of “Headhunter”.

Jul 30, 2021: A good afternoon of deleting code. 🙂

Jul 29, 2021: Reminder: never generate or parse CSV by hand. Always use a library. CSV is way more complicated than you think it is.

Jul 29, 2021: On this day, in 1915, the U.S. invades and takes over Haiti:… 🎙

Jul 20, 2021: Whee! Backticks in tweets get translated to code blocks when loaded by Slack.

Jul 20, 2021: Unfortunately for me, qr<> is valid Perl, but it gives you a reference to a regex; it does not perform a match.

Jul 20, 2021: I’ve been away from Perl for too long. Was trying to use qr<>xms instead of m<>xms. Ruby: %q<>, Perl: q<> Ruby: …

Jul 14, 2021: Line of JavaScript I wrote today: container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML; The container is an <svg> tag that I’ve filled in from …

Jun 30, 2021: Always a weird feeling when you do a significant refactoring and all the tests pass on the first run afterwards.

Jun 28, 2021: Parallel correlated subqueries make for some insane looking code.

Jun 24, 2021: Database design tip: instead of a boolean column, use a nullable timestamp. This way you get your boolean value, plus the time when you set it.

Jun 24, 2021: Write failing test. Spend a bunch of time trying to figure out how to implement the feature being tested. Decide that the test is not …

Jun 18, 2021: <blink> and <marquee> eat your heart out.

Jun 15, 2021: I 💙

Jun 12, 2021: “Another Biafra sticker!"

Jun 7, 2021: Shortcuts on Mac? Pffft. I want Terminal on iPhone.

May 14, 2021: … if you are a telecom executive or regulator in the United States, […] Starlink […] is a sign that reads YOU FUCKED UP AND EVERYONE HATES YOU. Read …

May 13, 2021: Using mass nouns in APIs is a bit of a pain. Ah, the fun of translating inconsistent English into a consistent, discoverable scheme of REST endpoints.

May 6, 2021: Happy Hindenburg day!

Apr 6, 2021: Lately I’ve been using “update" instead of “upgrade” in commit messages, etc. because I want to say “this is newer” instead of …

Mar 31, 2021: Playing Cozy Grove reminds me of reading PJF’s foraging tweets.

Mar 30, 2021: One more step down the road to a Web monoculture:…

Mar 23, 2021: Firefox is going to start trimming cross-origin “Referer” headers:… I would prefer that they drop support for it …

Mar 8, 2021: Had a merge conflict so difficult that I copied the HEAD part into one new file and the other branch part into another new file, ran gvimdiff on the …

Mar 8, 2021: “… this little independent software company that promotes itself by trolling the tech industry called 37 Signals…” — Benedict Evans 🤣 …

Mar 3, 2021: Biggest beef with Big Sur UI: the tiny cancel icons on notifications.

Mar 2, 2021: Mike Duncan teaching his kid about Satie’s Gymnopedie #1 reminded me of Endorphin’s Satie 1. 🎵

Mar 1, 2021: Going to be listening to The Kleptone’s Lockdown Radio all week. 🎵

Feb 26, 2021: I’ve been noticing usage of “categorically” in the past several days and the meaning of it is completely backwards to me. It should be …

Feb 16, 2021: The Tongue 📷

Feb 12, 2021: How does anyone get any development done with Chrome? You can’t get it to accept self-signed certificates without going through a whole …

Feb 1, 2021: Surprised, yet again, that when people realize that there may be a difference in the way an emoji looks across platforms that they don’t know …

Jan 26, 2021: Today seems like a Roomful of Teeth day. 🎵

Jan 25, 2021: Still finding noise cancelling of Air Pods Max amazing. Have to strain to tell that washing machine a few feet away is running.

Jan 24, 2021: Third Coast Percussion: “Halo” by Joe W. Moore III: 🎵

Jan 22, 2021: The problem with watching Marvel stuff is that the Marvel Studios theme uses a bell that is exactly the first tone of the L’s “doors closing” …

Jan 20, 2021: TIL git lfs migrate import only properly deals with the last --import option you give it.

Jan 20, 2021: Removed all my political Twitter filters. 🎉

Dec 31, 2020: Neato. iPadOS 14 can find Lego images.

Dec 25, 2020: One.

Dec 9, 2020: New Front Line Assembly, hooray!… 🎵

Dec 6, 2020: Classical music: “Mars Needs Women" by Meat Beat Manifesto 🎵

Nov 30, 2020: It’s after Thanksgiving, so that means that it’s time to listen to The Pretty Little Dolly: 🎵

Nov 23, 2020: Thumbs up to today’s Stratechery: “The Idea Adoption Curve”.

Nov 19, 2020: The time zone of the day is CHADT (a.k.a. Pacific/Chatham during daylight saving time), which is UTC+13:45. Odd offset, plus more than 12 hours off of …

Nov 19, 2020: Today I learned about yh a YAML highlighter. It only accepts input on stdin; weird that you can’t pass file names as parameters.

Nov 7, 2020: Crying in relief.

Oct 28, 2020: For whatever reason, git seems to have a really difficult time resolving conflicts in YAML.

Oct 24, 2020: 🗳 Voted.

Oct 9, 2020: Currently being annoyed by the spelling difference between “preceding" and “succeeding”.

Sep 29, 2020: As someone that maintains a (non-public) service that sends SMS messages via phone carrier email gateways, you should know that anyone could send you …

Sep 28, 2020: After watching “Rally and Sustain" yesterday, I’ve got to listen to Iron Lung Corp this afternoon.

Sep 27, 2020: Watched Rally And Sustain: The Cracknation Documentary I miss Acucrack. (Also available at 🎥

Sep 27, 2020: Ballot has arrived. 🗳📬

Sep 18, 2020: Reminder that tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Sep 11, 2020: I’m not into Lloyd Cole, but go find out how to support the musicians you love.

Sep 2, 2020: The absolutely best thing to come out of Apple last year. No spam calls disturb me now. Most don’t even bother leaving a message.

Sep 2, 2020: Juggling 5 long-lived branches involves lots of “fun”. And before you start in on the evils of long-lived branches, I know about them and these …

Sep 1, 2020: Every time I run gitg, the window gets a few pixels taller and wider until I notice it and have to shrink the window again.

Aug 28, 2020: Holy crud, pgloader is awesome! It handled a complicated SQLite conversion with a Sequel-defined schema with no-muss, no-fuss.

Aug 26, 2020: I’m in the mood for some angry Irish bile. Time for The Fatima Mansions. 🎵

Aug 24, 2020: Not happy for summer to end, but will be so glad for cicada noise to stop.

Aug 23, 2020: After watching “The Godfather: Part II”, it is fun to go back and watch 📺 Every Frame a Painting: “In Praise of Chairs” again.

Aug 20, 2020: 📺 Does “land area” assume a country is perfectly flat? Hello, Switzerland!

Aug 18, 2020: In Vim, replace all spaces with underscores within the current or most recent visual selection: :’<,’>s/\v%V %V/_/g.

Aug 14, 2020: What is this “too direct” thing? I find that entirely appropriate. 😬

Aug 10, 2020: Having problems with building Ruby with OpenSSL on Mac?

Jul 31, 2020: A benefit of becoming an ATP member is getting ahead of ATP References. Previously, they were already tweeting before I was able to listen to the …

Jul 22, 2020: Slack API emits a warning if you don’t specify an encoding. Which is stupid because the JSON spec requires UTF-8. If your data is in some other …

Jul 21, 2020: Energy levels down, and then random shuffle brings up 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 …

Jul 15, 2020: Listening to the Interstellar soundtrack over and over.

Jul 6, 2020: The current self-signed-certificate situation in Chrome is so stupid. Chrome is just completely useless to me right now for development.

Jul 1, 2020: Oooh. New in Firefox 78: New RegExp engine in SpiderMonkey, adding support for the dotAll flag, Unicode escape sequences, lookbehind references, and …

Jun 28, 2020: I’m voting by mail.…

Jun 17, 2020: One of my favorite Wikipedia entries is Time in Indiana. The permutations of time zones and daylight savings time in a single state are ridiculous.

Jun 8, 2020: This is what should happen with statues dedicated to racists. 🎙️

Jun 4, 2020: Today is a day for Snog’s “Born to Be Mild” 🎵

Jun 4, 2020: Guh. What I want in Slack is actual threads, not the current things they call threads, which are actually merely sidebars.

Jun 3, 2020: Pretty much what I think of most NoSQL.

Jun 3, 2020: Wow. I’m awake now. “Metal Machine Music, part II" just came up on random shuffle. 🎵

Jun 3, 2020: I still love Breakmaster Cylinder’s Tokyo 🎵

May 31, 2020: Zsh comes with Tetris.

May 28, 2020: June 8th, the Rough House Theatre will be doing another online edition of Nasty, Brutish, and Short. 📺

May 26, 2020: Having “I pity the fool!” flashbacks:…

May 22, 2020: TIL about sort -h.

May 21, 2020: OMFSM. The Kleptones have a Patreon? Sign me up! 🎵

May 13, 2020: 📷 Art will survive

May 13, 2020: Today, there will be a Meat Beat Manifestation. 🎵

May 12, 2020: Feeling Captain Vegetable right now. 🎵

May 10, 2020: Interesting that the local Whole Foods is being turned into a temporary distribution center.

May 8, 2020: There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and git commit histories. – me 💬

May 6, 2020: I guess today is going to turn into a 🎵 Musique 🎵 Non Stop 🎵 Techno Pop 🎵 day. Thank you, Florian.

May 5, 2020: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. — Damian Conway, “Perl Best …

May 4, 2020: Always code assuming that there are bugs somewhere else in your code, because there are. – Me. 💬

Apr 30, 2020: It’s an Opus Dei kind of day. 🎵

Apr 28, 2020: TIL about Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V to copy and paste in Gnome Terminal.

Apr 23, 2020: Lame Zoom app does not do split screen on iPad.

Apr 21, 2020: Watching office chair comparison videos. (Seriously.)

Apr 17, 2020: 📷 Everything is going to be alright

Apr 8, 2020: Work discussions can get fairly esoteric: echo $(cat <(echo -n - && echo e)) "\x2dn”…

Apr 3, 2020: Work from home fallout: debugging service generated email that MS Outlook for Mac claimed had no subject. Turns out, the subject is there, it’s …

Apr 1, 2020: I’ve been listening to Dead Can Dance, Gerrard, and Perry on shuffle all day. Reached The Host of the Seraphim and it hit me just perfectly. …

Mar 24, 2020: ♬ Don’t believe their lies ♬ Stay the fuck at home ♬

Mar 24, 2020: O’Reilly shutting down their conference business is just gobsmacking. I don’t know how to react. This is so sad.

Mar 17, 2020: I have gotten so used to having a Touch Bar that I miss it when using an old MBP and a dialog pops up with multiple non-default options. I’m …

Mar 17, 2020: Really appreciating the use of invisible chapters in the Stratechery Daily Update podcast to show charts.

Mar 14, 2020: Monday at 7pm America/Chicago, Rough House Theater’s quarterly Nasty, Brutish, and Short will be live streamed. Watch, watch, watch!

Mar 14, 2020: 🎭 Cabinet of Curiosity’s “The Farewell Fables" got live streamed from Links Hall earlier this evening. Go watch some puppets, a violin …

Mar 12, 2020: Reading all the depressing stuff going on, but then iTunes shuffled to Kate Bush’s “The Big Sky” and things got brighter. 🎵

Mar 8, 2020: Impressive turnout for early voting for the Illinois primary on a Sunday afternoon.

Feb 27, 2020: Watched The Last Starfighter (1984) for the first time today. Weird waiting so long to see a hit movie from when I was in high school.

Feb 20, 2020: Listening to Mike Duncan talk on this week’s Revolutions episode about Russian censors and just got this picture in my head of a book of cute …

Feb 19, 2020: Watching “I, Claudius” again due to I, Podius. Just watched Livia’s “pep talk” to the gladiators. I want to know how she …

Feb 8, 2020: What I really miss from Day One v1 is the ability to edit complete entries in Vim. There is no way to get at every aspect of an entry now.

Jan 31, 2020: The weirdest thing about using Gnome 3 is how windows slowly sink until their bottom edges hit the bottom of the screen when you switch virtual …

Jan 15, 2020: Using words from Low Definition to generate test data. My current fake user is “Ballhooter Lakenvelder”.

Jan 8, 2020: Don’t listen to podcasts on Spotify:…

Dec 21, 2019: Hope you are enjoying the Saturnalia revels.

Dec 20, 2019: Just removed all my space movie filters.

Dec 19, 2019: If you’re watching The Mandalorian, you might want to give A Complicated Profession a listen. 🎙

Nov 23, 2019: Saved up this week’s Hello Internet episode for the best listening venue for any episode of the show: an airplane.

Nov 20, 2019: It’s weird that POSIX semaphores allow you to query the current value (sem_getvalue(3)), but provide no way to query the maximum value.

Nov 14, 2019: *gobble* I *gobble* 💙 *gobble* Low Definition *gobble* so *gobble* much *gobble*.…

Nov 4, 2019: Podcast inspired tourism.

Oct 29, 2019: Be wary of what commands you use with Homebrew. You may unknowingly opt yourself into the beta line of development.

Oct 27, 2019: Leftovers Michael: “What are we eating?” Mom: “Leftovers, honey.” Michael: “Leftovers from what?” Mom: (laughs) “From the refrigerator!” Michael: “We’ve had …

Oct 25, 2019: I would love a podcast episode of Mike Duncan and Ben Thompson discussing…

Oct 19, 2019: Noise Unit’s “Drill”, most especially “Miracle”, still makes me so, so happy ♬

Sep 29, 2019: I’m hoping someone digitizes this live music archive:… 🎙️ 🎵

Sep 19, 2019: Declaring bankruptcy on @viticci ‘s iOS 12 review.

Sep 15, 2019: Have been really enjoying Roomful of Teeth’s first album this past week. 🎵

Sep 12, 2019: 📺 How much of popular history is made up just because it makes a nice story? An example: Also, a nice story of obsession of …

Sep 11, 2019: 🎙 Headphones for this one (100 seconds) Wrap It Up — The World According to Sound:…

Aug 27, 2019: 🔖 Filmmaker mode: Stop the over saturation insanity.

Aug 27, 2019: 🎙 Most Important Meal 33: We Live In a Coffee Society ☕️

Aug 27, 2019: 🎙 Notes on an Imagined Plaque to be Added to the Statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, Upon Hearing that the Memphis City Counci has Voted to Move …

Aug 26, 2019: 📖 The story behind CVE-2019-13013 You may start reading this and say that nothing in there interests you, but skip down to the section headed “A final …

Aug 22, 2019: There’s a Hole in the Bucket is actually a song about yak shaving.

Aug 21, 2019: TIL systemctl status will take a process ID as an argument. It’ll look up the unit the process is part of and report on that.

Aug 21, 2019: What systemd unit is that process running under? cgroups v1: grep '^1:name=systemd:' /proc/$pid/cgroup | sed 's/^1:name=systemd://' cgroups v2: grep …

Aug 18, 2019: I just “love” how long these signs last.

Aug 17, 2019: 📖 The Tragedy of UCS-2

Aug 14, 2019: My favorite IOCCC entry from when I was in college:…. char*_="Hello world.\n";

Aug 13, 2019: Weirdness: getting SMS spam trying to get Facebook credentials about every 40 minutes from succeeding even incomplete phone numbers.

Jul 27, 2019: The weird thing about bingeing on episodes is the realization that Mike Duncan pronounces “February" like it is …

Jul 24, 2019: Listened to Cage’s 4’33” on the L this morning with Smart Speed on in Overcast, so, probably, it was more like 2’15”. 🎙 …

Jul 22, 2019: 🎭 It Is Magic is the most well written thing I’ve seen in years.

Jul 18, 2019: Found that Vagrant is truncating mtime to microseconds on files in shared directories. Oh, joy.

Jul 17, 2019: Grrr. Really want a uint1 datatype in PostgreSQL.

Jul 16, 2019: Autocorrect is now suggesting German-looking words. (I’m guessing because I don’t know German.)

Jul 11, 2019: Gotta love Fluid.

Jul 11, 2019: Achievement unlocked: get specifically mentioned in release notes due to implied hacking of file formats.

Jul 11, 2019: I am really loving Third Coast Percussion’s version of David Skidmore’s Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities.

Jul 10, 2019: Breakmaster Cylinder is pushing out the beets [sic]. 🎵

Jun 30, 2019: 🏳️‍🌈 For this Pride Day, giving thanks for all that Dannie Flesher and Jim Nash did. Thank you for all the music. Go watch Industrial Accident.

Jun 28, 2019: The Doubleclicks show tonight was great! Here’s hoping that “Jenga Bus” thing turns into a real song.

Jun 26, 2019: TIL that you can add an exclamation to the :digraphs command in Vim to get the output chunked into blocks with labels about what is in each block.

Jun 25, 2019: The spam callers are getting lazy. Just got a call with Caller ID “(773) 1xx-xxxx”. That isn’t even a valid phone number.

Jun 23, 2019: Have spent the weekend on Nebula bingeing on Legal Eagle and Lessons from the Screenplay episodes. The app and website definitely need work, though.

Jun 20, 2019: 📺 Our Ignorance About Gravity

Jun 12, 2019: 📺 The Pronouns Song by The Doubleclicks

May 30, 2019: How to test your newly upgraded copy of ack: cd to the directory where it is stored, and then run ack ack ack. 🤣

May 29, 2019: Hey! Ack v3 is out!

May 23, 2019: 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is …

May 19, 2019: “Songs About Coffee" is the new “Fingertips”? (They Might Be Giants)

May 12, 2019: 📺 Circus | Written by Tom Waits, Narrated by Ken Nordine, Illustrated by Joe Coleman

Apr 30, 2019: HTTP servers that return errors with a 200 status. 🙄

Apr 11, 2019: 🎙️ A debugging story:…

Apr 8, 2019: I wonder how this future "default" will need to be turned off. “Beginning in macOS 10.14.5, all new or updated kernel extensions and all software from developers new to distributing with Developer ID must be …

Apr 3, 2019: Ewww. Click-tracking built into HTML? Horrid.…

Apr 2, 2019: No lines for voting. In and out.

Mar 13, 2019: External iterators in Ruby are such a pain due to StopIteration. I really, really want a Enumerator#has_next() method.

Mar 11, 2019: Code comment I just wrote: # This could be done using a recursive regular expression, but I # don't know how many people could maintain the code if it …

Mar 7, 2019: Oh, joy. I’m now working on stuff that explicitly cares what happens during a daylight savings changeover.

Mar 2, 2019: 🎙️Mac Power Users Live With surprise Europeans flown in.

Feb 27, 2019: 🎙 The History of History Podcasts

Feb 26, 2019: No line to vote today.

Feb 14, 2019: systemd fallout Today’s systemctl --user … learning fun: The difference in resulting environments from ssh user-A@host followed by su - user-B vs. direct ssh …

Feb 13, 2019: What’s my public IP address? (Plus other stuff about your browser.) Nice.

Feb 4, 2019: Doom clock

Feb 3, 2019: Wow. The Microsoft Consolas font went open source. (via Ricky Mondello)

Feb 1, 2019: Today’s minor epiphany: systemd does not parse the names of slices the same way as it does other units. In most units, the hyphen character is …


Jan 21, 2019: Was perusing ancient Daring Fireball posts, and decided to look at, expecting to be redirected to Twitter. Instead, there’s an announcement …

Jan 15, 2019: Running command_line_lint reveals the top shell commands in my history as: gvim (15.7%), vcs (10.0%) (version control wrapper), and ack (7.2%).

Jan 11, 2019: Just gave Vim fits by doing a gqip in the middle of a 5777 line, 180KiB swagger.yaml file.

Jan 9, 2019: Robocall threatening that my “Microsoft Windows Services" will be stopped and that I will not be able to use my computer. Please call urgent …

Jan 8, 2019: I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. (Thank you Viticci.) No, I don’t use Apple Music. This is manually syncing from iTunes.

Jan 7, 2019: Bless me that I might do your dark works in this, the mortal realm! ☕

Jan 4, 2019: Today I learned that the standard bulleted list handling in plain text files that I depend upon in Vim is actually a result of its “comments" …

Dec 22, 2018: I just learned about the CSS user-select: none property. Eww.

Dec 7, 2018: OMFSM, FLA is doing a cover of “Rock Me Amadeus”.

Dec 4, 2018: The Steadfast Tin Soldier: Great costumes. Great puppets. Cool idea for what to do with the musicians. Incomprehensible story at parts. Confusing use …

Dec 4, 2018: New digital release of the Art Institute of Chicago’s collection means more Ivan Albright for everyone. Hooray!

Nov 24, 2018: Yuck:… But amazing that it is documented.

Nov 10, 2018: Get yourself an education and learn from The Carl Stalling Project.

Nov 9, 2018: Reading pipe(7). That BUGS section: ouch.

Nov 8, 2018: Finally an iDevice that can hold my music collection.

Nov 7, 2018: Elevator buttons at the National Museum of Mathematics.

Nov 6, 2018: There are a lot of people trying to figure out how people are going to vote outside my polling place.

Nov 4, 2018: Allison Truj and Brian Hamilton are awesome:…

Oct 20, 2018: Today I learned that, if you unset PS1 in Bash, it really displays nothing as a prompt. I would have thought that it would display something.

Oct 19, 2018: Listening to The Doubleclicks’ Music for Nerds by Women and Nonbinary Folks playlist. 🎵

Oct 10, 2018: 📺 “Why can’t you recycle plastic bags in Chicago?”

Sep 25, 2018: Just figured out that exa does Mac-style ordering of numbered filenames. Awesome!

Sep 23, 2018: Giving prettyping a try. Nice, so far.

Sep 22, 2018: The source name length limit in RECaf is extremely frustrating.

Sep 21, 2018: Naming new iPhone Amphibious Blustery Flapdoodle.

Sep 19, 2018: Finding unlocking of Apple Watch via unlocking iPhone to be significantly slower with iOS 12/watchOS 5.

Sep 18, 2018: Stop the 2 space indent nonsense in recent ruby.vim: let g:ruby_recommended_style = 0

Sep 14, 2018: Today I learned about RFC 8081.

Sep 12, 2018: I really, really wish PostgreSQL supported unsigned integers.

Sep 11, 2018: The modern version of the XKCD “compiling” comic is “waiting for the Vagrant VM to tear down and rebuild”.

Sep 9, 2018: Going through Learning Perl 6.

Sep 8, 2018: Today I learned that recent versions of Vim have a standard digraph for the ellipsis, so I can delete my override of MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS. Both …

Sep 6, 2018: The way to brighten your day: The Power of Lard! (lyrics). 🎵

Sep 4, 2018: I am not happy with the concept of variable podcast contents.

Aug 31, 2018: Copies of timestamps on files on High Sierra on APFS are truncating to microseconds, including cp -p source destination. Joy.

Aug 30, 2018: Seeing Ruby’s FileUtils.copy_entry(source, destination, true) mis-copy mtime on files on MacOS with APFS by a few microseconds, resulting in the …

Aug 30, 2018: OH in relation to a Fig problem: “there is some advanced Goldboltology [sic] at work.”

Aug 29, 2018: Did you know that you can customize digraphs in Vim? Surprisingly, there is no standard digraph for the ellipsis, so I override the binding for …

Aug 29, 2018: I’m really liking bat.

Aug 28, 2018: Pulling email RFCs out of the top of my head like I was RJBS or something.

Aug 27, 2018: Subshells are interesting beasts. #!/usr/bin/env bash echo Parent: $$ $BASHPID ( echo Child: $$ $BASHPID ( echo Grandchild: $$ $BASHPID ) ) Note that …

Aug 27, 2018: Today’s Vim digraph is .M, for middle dot: ·

Aug 20, 2018: In the realm of “just plain fun” podcasts, the recent discovery is The Pretzel Podcast. 🥨🥨🥨

Aug 17, 2018: Frustrated by ssh smashing together its command arguments so that you can’t get whitespace through the command. > ssh user@host bash -cx …

Aug 17, 2018: And TIL about sshpass(1).

Aug 16, 2018: The William S. Burroughs / Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy collaboration “Spare Ass Annie and Other Tales” is so, so good.

Aug 15, 2018: Today’s Ruby silliness: To get a current Date in UTC, you’ve got to and extract the year, month, and day from that.

Aug 13, 2018: Today I am grateful for Zsh’s *(*) patterns.

Aug 10, 2018: 🍕 Eat It, New York: Inside The U.S. Pizza Museum, Which Chicago Obviously Deserves

Aug 10, 2018: Blrg. Burnt again looking for File.glob in Ruby. Whoever thought that Dir.glob was the right place for it was wrong.

Aug 9, 2018: Still no ennui or schadenfreude emojis:…

Aug 6, 2018: time(2) lies! It’s all lies!

Aug 6, 2018: TIL that POSIX epoch time does not allow for leap seconds. Mind blown.

Jul 27, 2018: These are Zsh functions, but you can change them to Bash via the liberal application of quotation marks.

Jul 24, 2018: Fans of The Incomparable’s Old Movie Club should know that Get Carter (1971) and The Taking of Pelham One Two Three are on sale on iTunes for $5 …

Jul 24, 2018: Hey, @chetcast, why don’t you add yourself to

Jul 23, 2018: The current season’s most accurate name would be “cicada madness”.

Jul 22, 2018: This traffic cone has been here for years 2018/7/12 East side of Olgilvie Station @ Washington & Canal “Computer, enhance.”

Jul 21, 2018: OMFSM, the disco balls were used.

Jul 21, 2018: “Chechov’s disco ball”

Jul 17, 2018: Why is there no “head desk" emoji?

Jul 17, 2018: One of my favorite things about *nix is that stdin, stdout, and stderr are nothing more than user-space conventions supported by open(2) and dup(2) …

Jul 16, 2018: C++ is such a pain in terms of having to continually think of storage and object lifetime.

Jul 15, 2018: Yum.…

Jul 15, 2018: I pay 3 podcast networks and 1 individual podcast to openly share their work. I hope the walled-off networks shrivel up and die. …

Jul 15, 2018: Cherry Cola Oreos are horrid.

Jul 15, 2018: Different ways of venting political anger:…

Jul 15, 2018: If you are an Amazon customer (and who isn’t these days), you should listen to this week’s Reply All:…

Jul 11, 2018: Finally deleted the 40+ GB of apps in ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications. Sad that app syncing in iTunes is gone; all that wasted …

Jul 10, 2018: I love Inconceivable!. The amount of work that Dan Moren puts into the show is incredible. “Cheese or Polearm?" forever.

Jul 9, 2018: Today’s lesson: On systemd systems, override the postgresql-10 service’s idea of the value of PGDATA before running postgresql-10-setup …

Jul 9, 2018: Email needs emoji reactions.

Jul 7, 2018: Clever of @TurbocastApp to use chapter markers for ads. Dynamically added ads preclude chapters and mean that they’re not at fixed points in the …

Jul 7, 2018: Actions have consequences. 📷

Jul 6, 2018: I can’t bear to listen to the new Ministry album. Drumpf samples are just depressing as hell. Never had this problem Ministry albums released …

Jul 5, 2018: I’m liking the new Rhys Fulber solo album.

Jul 1, 2018: I died of pneumonia.

Jun 30, 2018: Someone signed up with Paypal with an email account I control. Now Paypal won’t let me go through password recovery to shut the account down. …

Jun 30, 2018: Tribalism is ugly.

Jun 26, 2018: Being sucked into object ownership & lifetime hell. Reading up on std::move().

Jun 22, 2018: It’s new Front Line Assembly and Juno Ractor day!

Jun 21, 2018: From the Wireshark INSTALL file: This is software. Beware.

Jun 20, 2018: OMFSM, writing C++ code for the first time in 14 years.

Jun 15, 2018: Cake doughnuts are the deserts of sadness, because they could have been raised, glazed doughnuts.

Jun 11, 2018: Rails 📷

Jun 11, 2018: Platform 📷

Jun 5, 2018: Just got burnt by the lack of isolation that Thin applies when evaluating The got access to a variable that I did not expect it …

Jun 4, 2018: I wonder what stories Microsoft is working on, now that they’ve acquired the most used historical fiction editor.

Jun 3, 2018: On the past and present of the word “queer”:… 🎙️

Jun 2, 2018: If you want interesting @ mentions, have a handle that is also the name of a chain of British gay sex-toy shops.

Jun 1, 2018: Listening to the classics: The Fatima Mansions - Blues For Ceauşescu 🎵

Jun 1, 2018: If you think of Bash as “we’re going to do a Bourne compatible version of Csh, plus interactive editing”, Zsh is like …

Jun 1, 2018: OH: “has anyone made Emacs bootable yet”

May 31, 2018: I like USB-C and want movement towards it to accelerate.

May 21, 2018: Hokey smokes. The copyleft symbol is going to be in Unicode 11.

May 20, 2018: NASA’s New Planet Hunter Snaps Initial Test Image, Swings by Moon Toward Final Orbit 🔭

May 19, 2018: TIL that APFS stores file timestamps down to the nanosecond.

May 19, 2018: Recent ls replacement discoveries: exa and colorls.

May 16, 2018: And Man Created God in His Own Image (1930) - Ivan Albright

May 11, 2018: Nearby wifi network: “It burns when IP”.

May 11, 2018: The refactoring aparently never stops.

May 10, 2018: Refactoring refactored refactorings.

May 10, 2018: Every time someone misspells your name, it shows that they don’t really care about what you think about them.

Apr 30, 2018: Nice story on The Athletic over at Six Colors. It complements the sort of media discussions that Ben Thompson has been having.

Apr 26, 2018: The “IRS has a warrant out for your arrest” spam calls are getting ridiculous.

Apr 25, 2018: Got something useful done tonight.

Apr 25, 2018: Spam-caused double take: “New Brake Master Cylinder”. (vs Breakmaster Cylinder)

Apr 24, 2018: “Clonezone” is Clonezone the Hilaritor from Nexus ( #MyHandleExplained

Apr 22, 2018: Drafts 5 is making me extremely happy. Thank you @agiletortoise.

Apr 21, 2018: The opening round of this weeks Inconceivable is brilliant: “Polearm or Cheese?” 🎙

Apr 21, 2018: *mumble* *grumble* JavaScript Sets don’t have a .length. Instead, they have a .size.

Apr 21, 2018: Shuttling chunks of JavaScript between Vim on on the MBP and Drafts 5 on the iPad via Dropbox.

Apr 20, 2018: It’s the Drafts 5 test.

Apr 18, 2018: Completed the Macstories review. I have plans for Drafts 5 this weekend.

Apr 17, 2018: I wonder what @ismh’s plans for May are:…

Apr 15, 2018: What does one do when Mike Duncan is on one of his breaks? Binge-relisten to your favorite previous revolution!

Apr 13, 2018: Today’s Planet Money Indicator is right up Brianna Wu’s campaign’s alley:…

Apr 12, 2018: Trying to manipulate an SQLite database from inside a VirtualBox VM and the host O/S, even sequentially, is not working very well. Have to write stuff …

Apr 11, 2018: Use Dredd to test APIs described by Swagger and want to get the buggy incorporation of tags into the test name out? Comment out this line.

Apr 10, 2018: Easily nerd-snipe Elliot: say the word “codepoint” within earshot.

Apr 9, 2018: *sigh* Sad, but probably true.…

Apr 4, 2018: Brilliant spoof or exemplar of the thing it is trying to criticise? 🎵 70’s Rock Must Die 🎵

Apr 3, 2018: egrep(1) is “non-standard” and deprecated???…

Mar 29, 2018: I find Bandcamp’s social features to be annoying and needless public display of private information. I want it to just be a store.

Mar 28, 2018: Google Chrome v63: LC_ALL=en_GB ➡︎ navigator.language = 'en-GB' 👍 LC_ALL=en_CA ➡︎ navigator.language = 'en-GB' 🤷‍♂️ LC_ALL=en_SG ➡︎ …

Mar 27, 2018: I find it hard to believe how primitive date/time parsing in browsers is in 2018.

Mar 27, 2018: LC_ALL=en_CA.UTF-8 google-chrome ⇨ navigator.language: “en-GB”. 🤷‍♂️

Mar 26, 2018: Had to Wikipedia “autogyro” just now. Wowzers.

Mar 23, 2018: This review is great:…

Mar 22, 2018: I ❤️ the Firefox JSON renderer.

Mar 22, 2018: Where did all the emissions violating Volkswagen cars go? Here:…

Mar 21, 2018: I’m going to cry so hard:

Mar 21, 2018: This week’s Exponent is going to be entertaining:…

Mar 15, 2018: The proposal for adding the copyleft symbol to Unicode is awesome. Lots of examples of existing usage of the symbol.

Mar 15, 2018: If you live in Chicago and have not voted early, be ready for Tuesday’s election.

Mar 10, 2018: Never thought there would be a good explanation of why tariffs are bad that involved a sink clogged with lasagna.

Mar 8, 2018: It’s furniture and it’s lunch.

Mar 1, 2018: The earworm that I’ve had for the past day and a half: Do You Swear to Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth So Help Your …

Feb 28, 2018: Hi clonezone, Sorry to hear you’re having trouble logging into Instagram. We can help you get straight back into your account. I haven’t used …

Feb 25, 2018: I wish Alto’s Odyssey wasn’t impossible to play half the time due to not being able to see what is going on. And cranking the brightness …

Feb 22, 2018: What have you done this time, npm?

Feb 21, 2018: Check your voting machine security.

Feb 16, 2018: Third Coast Percussion makes me so happy. Tonight’s concert was so much fun. 🎵

Feb 16, 2018: Screen adaptive head(1) and tail(1) functions. Bash: function hed { head -n $(( $(tput lines) - $(eval "wc -l <<<$'$PS1'") )) "$@" } function tal { tail -n $(( $(tput …

Feb 15, 2018: This may sound boring at first, but it is short. Stay through the ABBA anecdote.…

Feb 8, 2018: Since I’m on this weird protocol trail, it turns out there’s a /dev/null protocol, the Discard protocol on TCP port 9.

Feb 8, 2018: Correction: QOTD protocol is TCP port 17. Port 13 is the Daytime protocol, which isn’t any more useful.

Feb 8, 2018: TIL about the QOTD protocol, which takes up TCP port 13.

Feb 7, 2018: Still no ennui or schadenfreude emoji.…

Jan 31, 2018: Perl: ( {} ) x 5 produces 5 references to the same hash, not 5 separate hashes. Grrr.

Jan 30, 2018: It’s one of the best kinds of days that only happens on rare occasions. It’s code deletion day!

Jan 29, 2018: 👍for 🚀.

Jan 22, 2018: Looks like with Vim v8, you can no longer «:call SetFileTypeSH(‘bash’)» to override the shell variant. Instead you need to invoke «:call …

Jan 20, 2018: New Meat Beat Manifesto album is mostly a pleasant rehash of past material, but is lacking in new ideas. (Bought it anyway, of course.) 🎵

Jan 16, 2018: Apparently, uploads to Overcast with quotes in the file name silently fail. Removed quotes, upload succeeded.​​​​​​​

Jan 16, 2018: International statistic of the year: 69 Americans killed by lawnmowers per year: IPMapwVzM​​​​​​​

Jan 10, 2018: My entry for the bookathon: The Making of the Atomic Bomb. The first third of the book is a history of early 20th century physics. Also, …

Jan 10, 2018: I do not like the Firefox v57 theme on macOS. The sharp angled tabs drive me nuts.

Jan 10, 2018: For me, High Sierra is better than Sierra, though I held out for the .1 release.

Jan 5, 2018: Use the inspector in your browser to turn off .container { width: 980px } in Github and everything is so much better.

Jan 3, 2018: Dang. IBM mainframes and PowerPC processors are vulnerable.…

Jan 2, 2018: I think that for the first time since 2006, I won’t be attending OSCON. Thinking of one of the Big Nerd Ranch iOS bootcamps, instead.

Dec 23, 2017: What does one test out a new music playing app with but some BMC:…

Dec 17, 2017: Time again to listen to what the Puritans tried to do with Christmas:… (8m42s)

Dec 6, 2017: I understand why robocalls come from spoofed Caller ID numbers, but why would one use a “(XXX) 555-XXXX” number?

Dec 6, 2017: Abusing Sequel by using Sequel::Dataset#update() to do an INSERT…SELECT so that I can get a row count because Sequel::Dataset#insert() returns the …

Dec 5, 2017: Force yourself to change an email address that you’ve been meaning to change for a while by posting it in a public location. Oops.

Dec 5, 2017: Not going to happen.

Dec 4, 2017: That feeling when you’ve made a big change to a chunk of code, and, on the first try, not only does it compile, it works perfectly.

Nov 28, 2017: Hooray! CivRev 2 has been revived for iOS 11!

Nov 28, 2017: 📺 Wrong About Gender - The Doubleclicks:

Nov 28, 2017: This phone feels way too small. (Yes, I know I’ve used smaller.)

Nov 28, 2017: iPhone X refused to restore from iPhone 7+ iTunes backup. Had to back up to iCloud and restore from there.

Nov 18, 2017: Netflix needs a quality filter. For example, if the movie/show in question originated on the History Channel, file it under 💩.

Nov 16, 2017: Added «One of Breakmaster Cylinder’s “Internet weirdos”.» to my Twitter profile.

Nov 14, 2017: I really wish there was the equivalent of Little Snitch for iOS.

Nov 12, 2017: Adding «add_header Referrer-Policy no-referrer always;» to the server block of my Nginx config files.

Nov 12, 2017: Firefox users (yes, we still exist): look at network.http.referer.userControlPolicy on…

Nov 10, 2017: Christmas carols going full blast in Barstucks. 🤢

Nov 9, 2017: Hooray for two years of @bleedsixcolors memberships! Keep it up @jsnell and @dmoren.

Nov 6, 2017: (Ok, ok, last one for the evening) Seriously, see them live whenever you can. Mucca Pazza - All Out of Bubblegum:

Nov 6, 2017: More awesomeness. Mucca Pazza - Barbarous Relic:

Nov 6, 2017: Something to be happy about. Mucca Pazza - Mr. Spider Goes Home to Spiderland:

Nov 5, 2017: “Even though chancellor Metternich wasn’t dead, he was already spinning in his grave.” – @mikeduncan 🤣…

Nov 5, 2017: Read this and see how you are being tracked:… /via @benthompson

Nov 4, 2017: Recent #vim setup addition: Lightline:… Great in that it requires no special language support, fonts, etc.

Nov 4, 2017: Recent #vim setup addition: Lightline:…

Nov 3, 2017: Backed… for the happy thoughts.

Oct 27, 2017: TIL: Don’t wear a red shirt anywhere near where TodayTix delivers.

Oct 26, 2017: Decisions, decisions. To see Mike Duncan or the Revolting Cocks and Front Line Assembly?

Oct 25, 2017: From…

Oct 20, 2017: .@BrkmstrCylinder tweets an image of a trashed piano and I go on a 24 hour Art of Noise binge fest.

Oct 18, 2017: TIL that JRuby ships with support for FFI. Didn’t imagine that that was a reasonable thing for them to do. 👍👍

Oct 15, 2017: .@imyke plays VR basketball with @viticci’s phone.

Oct 15, 2017: .@ismh shows off his podcasting equipment to @viticci and @imyke in a hotel basement with a bunch of @_connectedfm fans in observance.

Oct 15, 2017: .@johnvoorhees and @jsnell like hearing century old stories of tippy boats:…

Oct 15, 2017: .@viticci appreciates @Ungeniused preparation.

Oct 14, 2017: I didn’t know that “guy” was an eponym. 🔊 The Allusionist: 65. Eponyms III: Who’s That Guy?…

Oct 10, 2017: Ah, effective dated relations, my old nemesis. We meet again.

Oct 9, 2017: 📺 If it’s not gay, it’s not gay:

Oct 8, 2017: Weird. The streetlights are on in the middle of broad daylight.

Oct 3, 2017: Listened to a bunch of old Welcome to Macintosh episodes, so of course I’m now grooving to Breakmaster Cylinder’s version of “Sloop John B”.

Sep 22, 2017: Yes, riding the L triggers Do Not Disturb While Driving.

Sep 20, 2017: Had to reboot iPad in order to see documents in iCloud Drive after iOS 11 upgrade. Dropbox isn’t integrated into Files on either iPhone or iPad.

Sep 19, 2017: “Donald Rump” at Nasty, Brutish, and Short

Sep 18, 2017: This is your periodic reminder to review the question that the Web answers:

Sep 16, 2017: Oh, my, all the old people out past their bedtimes.

Sep 16, 2017: Guh. Encores are stupid.

Sep 14, 2017: Dear advertisers: Fuck off and die.…

Sep 1, 2017: Ugh. Stay away from Roku, because their business model is changing to sell their users’ behavior:…

Aug 22, 2017: Unsubscribed from Nomorobo. It wasn’t blocking any calls. There really needs to be an iOS option for sending unknown callers to voicemail.

Aug 22, 2017: Returned AirPods. They didn’t produce full sound unless I pushed them fully into my ears and they just plain fell out multiple times.

Aug 21, 2017: I reject the concept that Deckard is a replicant. Ridley Scott is wrong. /cc @siracusa @jsnell @imyke

Aug 14, 2017: It is just economically wacky when a shipped CD is less expensive than buying the digital files.

Aug 11, 2017: Groove to The Beastles:

Aug 10, 2017: CORS is hell.

Aug 8, 2017: Tonight at Steppenwolf, an actor received a round of applause for folding a fitted sheet.

Aug 6, 2017: Rewatching “The Pallisers”…

Aug 5, 2017: 📷 Love yourself (bathroom graffiti)

Jul 24, 2017: Creepy:…

Jul 20, 2017: ♬ Cut and paste ♬ Cut and paste ♬ Never let code go to waste ♬ — Vivek Iyer Reusing code from an existing system in a new one.

Jul 19, 2017: 🔊 the memory palace: 113 (Elmer McCurdy Rides Again and Again)

Jul 14, 2017: Thanks to Little Snitch v4, I learned that, due to using Backblaze, I upload more than I download. Consumer ISP traffic quotas are backwards

Jul 7, 2017: The Little Snitch v4 network monitor is pretty nifty. The research assistant has been not as helpful in identifying server roles.

Jul 4, 2017: Nice discussion of the codependency of math and physics:

Jul 4, 2017: Thumbs up for Missile Cards.…

Jul 2, 2017: If you eat kale in homeopathic quantities, it’s quite tasty.

Jun 25, 2017: Weirdness. Just had a Twitter list revert its name to a value that it last had months ago.

Jun 23, 2017: It’s Kleptones listening day!…

Jun 19, 2017: Hey, Skullpogo got a 64-bit update! Whee!…

Jun 16, 2017: Hell, for the next Transformers, the studio should just license

Jun 16, 2017: Watching the extras on the “Tampopo” Blu-Ray and I want the studios to hire @tonyszhou to do stuff for every home video release.

Jun 15, 2017: 11 years ago I went through a tabs to spaces religious conversion and my income is a lot higher now. Ok, so I was unemployed at the time.😂

Jun 15, 2017: «du -hs ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/» ⇨︎ 995M Ouch.

Jun 15, 2017: “Umm… Is that a cabbage?” “What did you do?!” “Would you like an egg?” 🔊Reply All: #99 Black Hole, New Jersey…

Jun 14, 2017: If scripting yum, don’t «yum install …» multiple packages at once because yum will return successfully if any package succeeds.

Jun 14, 2017: Listening to @mikeduncan’s Washington biography for the fourth or fifth time:…

Jun 12, 2017: Nearly 30 year old song predicted the present political situation:

Jun 10, 2017: 🔊 the memory palace: If You Have to be a Floor (The Met Residency Episode 6) “If you have to be a room, be a room where people …

Jun 4, 2017: Eww. Chicago Park Drinking Fountains Have Been Running For Weeks To Flush Pipes | WBEZ

Jun 1, 2017: I just love the Pinboard-buying-Delicious story.

May 25, 2017: “You Fly Off the Handle” is such a great tune:…

May 22, 2017: Found a t-shirt for @BrkmstrCylinder.

May 21, 2017: If you are going to see Alien: Covenant, I suggest avoiding the trailer, but do watch

May 19, 2017: I see little reason for internal web apps to use minimized JavaScript, only pain.

May 18, 2017: If you use Twitter, you should read this:…

May 17, 2017: is doubling URLs when forwarding to Twitter.

May 17, 2017: Cold Waves Soundcheck is back! Hooray!…

May 17, 2017:… is such a great song, for the music as well as the driving sample.

May 15, 2017: I ❤️ the @roboismfm theme song.

May 13, 2017: What good is an earworm if you can’t share it?

May 11, 2017: Pigeon in the convention center. #OSCON

May 9, 2017: Watching @manton do a nice job on presenting at Refresh Austin.

Apr 28, 2017: If you’re posting messages to Slack, don’t count on response headers being 7-bit clean. 😖

Apr 28, 2017: When your error-reporting mechanism runs into an error so that you lose all information about the original error… ARGHHH!

Apr 27, 2017: Listen. 🔊 [the memory palace: Notes on a Plaque, Still Imagined]( M8y4bx4)

Apr 27, 2017: Discovered that I had an old executable of HTML Tidy in my PATH that would not run because it was a PPC binary. 😳

Oct 2, 2013: Just donated to the Lavabit defense fund.

Sep 21, 2013: Warning: Tonight’s performance of features FOG, SMOKE, LOUD NOISES, and EPIC DRAGONS.

Aug 17, 2013: Awesome WiFi SID: “FBI Monitoring Van #3032”.

Aug 8, 2013: Semi-annual reminder to read

Aug 2, 2013: Kill the blinky parts of the Web: set image.animation_mode to “none” in #Firefox.

Aug 1, 2013: Anyone have a script for maintaining a list of #git repos and SHA1s and directories, kinda like submodules, but without a supermodule repo?

Jul 31, 2013: Awesome story, if you’re at all into #animation:

Jul 24, 2013: More Instantly Better Vim #vim #damianconway #oscon #tarball http:/

Jul 21, 2013: The Department of Defense’s Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure []

Jul 19, 2013: Piping into cat is useful for disabling tty behavior of commands, e.g. «ps | cat» to stop ps from paying attention to $COLUMNS. #shell #unix

Jul 19, 2013: Thanks to @dalton for saying on the ADN podcast that URL shorteners break the Web.

Jul 18, 2013: Getting a Canadian work visa is a lot more work than getting an Australian one was a decade ago.

Jul 16, 2013: If you’re to the point of using «set -e» in your #bash script, you probably want to also use «set -o pipefail», otherwise your script won’t die if you …

Jul 11, 2013: I love Little Snitch. GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent isn’t allowed network access of any kind.

Jul 11, 2013: Fountain caught in reflected sunlight []

Jul 9, 2013: Guh. Wish #git supported hooks on fetch. Want to set up commit notifier on non-central repo.

Jul 8, 2013: “There was a problem importing your sites from NetNewsWire 3. Only some of the sites may have been transferred.” Some? How about none?

Jul 7, 2013: Dennis Wadkins gets a swelled head. [] #housetheatre #chicago #magic

Jul 7, 2013: “Not only will I leave no trace of my existence behind, there won’t even be anything from my entire generation left in another fifty years. Just some …

Jul 7, 2013: High-backed chair []

Jul 5, 2013: LSD

Jul 4, 2013: “Heterosexual people don’t go around telling people that they’re heterosexual.”

Jul 3, 2013: Gave #Felix ten stars again this month.

Jul 2, 2013: Didn’t know that I was missing tests because I hadn’t pulled down the #git submodules. Joyous.

Jul 2, 2013: Of all the issues with #git submodules, the worst has to be that they are not automatically set up as the result of «git clone».

Jul 1, 2013: In #zsh, « typeset -a X Y; X=(1 2 3); Y=$X » results in a scalar value in Y. You have to use «Y=($X)» to copy X as an array. Odd.

Jun 29, 2013: Mmm… chewy coffee.

Jun 29, 2013: Selfie reflection in yellow bridge []

Jun 29, 2013: “Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society”. Umm… what?

Jun 29, 2013: Orpheum []

Jun 29, 2013: Mol Man []

Jun 28, 2013: Sanitized tape worms… Easy to swallow! []

Jun 28, 2013: Reliable Worm Cakes - pleasant and effective []

Jun 27, 2013: Black Batcolumn []

Jun 27, 2013: Drat. #zsh doesn’t expand braces before expanding variables. In #bash, «echo $X{A,B}X» gets expanded to «echo $XAX $XBX».

Jun 26, 2013: “I hate PDAs. Public displays of hostility, on the other hand, are perfectly fine.”

Jun 26, 2013: Gotta say that #zsh’s «typeset -TU SCALAR_PATH array_path» is pretty damn nice.

Jun 26, 2013: Is there a #zsh equivalent of #bash’s «shopt -q»? In other words, I want capture the current value of a shell option.

Jun 26, 2013: #zsh version of array export functions:

Jun 25, 2013: #zsh has no way of including newlines in PS1 other than literally? «print -P “\n…"» does work, though.

Jun 25, 2013: Thinking of joining the dark side and using #zsh. It’s going to require a bit of effort to convert my bash setup. First step: porting my array export …

Jun 24, 2013: Purposeful Misinterpretation of the Ambiguities of the English Language for Fun and Profit

Jun 23, 2013: Sensitive pipes []

Jun 20, 2013: Quick and dirty testing of all HTTP GET routes: #ruby #rails #bash

Jun 20, 2013: Sloppy bridge builders leave parts on top of the Wells Street bridge []

Jun 19, 2013: Enjoying The Beastles [].

Jun 18, 2013: Gabriel Weinberg, founder of Duck Duck Go, at Gel 2013: #privacy #dontbeevil

Jun 16, 2013: “My nose doesn’t usually smell a lot, but when it does, it’s usually food.”

Jun 16, 2013: The problem with all these freemium games is that you can’t gift them.

Jun 15, 2013: Three exhausted-looking, shirtless guys skateboarding uphill.

Jun 15, 2013: On home rehab: “All you need is YouTube and a Mexican.” Uh, yeah.

Jun 15, 2013: Tres leches cake for breakfast. Hey, that’s valid: it’s got eggs in it.

Jun 13, 2013: Who’s Afraid (of The Art of Noise)?

Jun 10, 2013: Finding out test coverage of this app isn’t as comprehensive as I thought it was. sigh

Jun 9, 2013: Night reflections []

Jun 9, 2013: Skyline through the trees []

Jun 9, 2013: Triangle Sorrel

Jun 9, 2013: Overcast over the L []

Jun 9, 2013: I love this idea of Mars’ Rebar (for movies what Chekhov’s Gun is to theater): …

Jun 9, 2013: Interesting: crowdfunding a regex debugging service:

Jun 8, 2013: The number of items in @1password is proliferating thanks to app-specific passwords. Sad that @whisperapp doesn’t support Passport.

Jun 7, 2013: Flag []

Jun 7, 2013: West Fullerton Image [] #vanishingline

Jun 4, 2013: Red Ashland/63

Jun 4, 2013: Tracks at Bryn Mawr.

Jun 4, 2013: Seriously need an iOS email app where I can specify the from address.

Jun 3, 2013: Upgrading app from Rails v2 to v3, entire test suite passes, but running the server and trying to do anything runs into non-functional menus. Oops.

Jun 3, 2013: First experience of using @adn Passport to authorize a new app was pretty damn awesome. /cc @billkunz

Jun 3, 2013: Having fun with answers in @billkunz’s anti-spam field on his support form. The proper programmer response to “4 times four” is obviously …

Jun 1, 2013: Elderly couple walking down the street discussing cloud computing. o_O

Jun 1, 2013: Green patch. #nofilter

May 31, 2013: When debugging unfamiliar #Ruby code and «self.singleton_class.included_modules.count» is 72, you know that you’re in trouble.

May 30, 2013: “Convention over configuration” sucks ass in my book right now.

May 29, 2013: So, I’m trying to get away from the geek stuff and listen to Dale Lazarov on a podcast talking about gay comics and it turns into a discussion of …

May 29, 2013: ♬ Make no mistake: we’re here to fuck you over ♬ — Murder, Inc.

May 28, 2013: Giving up on not monkey patching. sigh

May 28, 2013: I swear the #Ruby solution for everything is monkey patching.

May 27, 2013: I love the need for the term “stabile”. The invention of something new required coming up with a name for something preexisting.

May 25, 2013: Toddler trying to pick up confetti on floor which is taped to the floor as a piece of art at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art.

May 24, 2013: Dammit, #Ubuntu, stop releasing new kernels on a weekly basis.

May 23, 2013: Go old-school: create a smart playlist with the condition “last played is greater than 12 months”.

May 22, 2013: You should be listening to Subterranea.

May 21, 2013: On TV screensaver, result of Flickr search for “Chicago”: back of a guy in a striped baseball uniform with “bisoxual” across his shoulders. 😀

May 20, 2013: “NOTICE: It is considered bad manners and harmful to your taste buds to put ketchup on your hot dog within the city limits of Chicago.”

May 20, 2013: The pickle. Image [] #ivywild #thehypocrites

May 20, 2013: Well, I screwed the pickle.

May 20, 2013: Hypocritical sign and pickle. Image [] Image [] #ivywild #thehypocrites

May 20, 2013: Would you have taken the invitation? Image [] Image [] Image [] #ivywild #thehypocrites

May 20, 2013: #school #protest #chicago

May 19, 2013: Day One’s killer feature: entries are XML plist files. It would have been better if they were JSON, but still it’s something convertible.

May 19, 2013: Converting old calendar entries to Day One. The Mac app is in serious need of some keyboard shortcuts.

May 19, 2013: Turning into a podcast addict.

May 19, 2013: Huh. Mr. Kite, as in “For the Benefit of …” by the Beatles, really existed.

May 18, 2013: Guh. My #perl is getting rusty. Couldn’t even deal with subroutine arguments correctly. sub foo { my ($bar) = $_; # bonk … }

May 18, 2013: Woman walked by with a huge green bag under her arm with blocky white letters: “GOD HATES BAGS”. #ecojokes

May 17, 2013: Arseny Avraamov, “Symphony of Sirens” …

May 17, 2013: Getting dizzy listening to Steve Reich’s “Come Out”. The effect would probably be less intense if I were listening via speakers instead of headphones.

May 17, 2013: TIL more #bash brace expansion insanity: it works in the middle of variable names: «echo $BASH_COMPLETION{,_COMPAT}_DIR».

May 15, 2013: Canoe collection

May 14, 2013: Spreading .bak files through the “gems” directory while trying to figure out my latest issue with Rails’ magic.

May 14, 2013: #Ruby’s Pathname’s + operator truncates the path if the parameter starts with a slash. E.g. «Rails.root + ‘/public’» results in a Pathname for just …

May 12, 2013: I hate mobile websites. They always end up hiding what you know is on the regular site.

May 11, 2013: High intellectualism— Edison’s boxing cats: [

May 10, 2013: Taking #Ruby #metaprogramming countermeasures.

May 8, 2013: A new word is being added to my vocabulary today: “Highlanderism”.

May 7, 2013: Eww. Ack v2 is searching in PDFs.

May 6, 2013: Acquitted of a crime in Cook County? Go back to jail.

May 5, 2013: “LOST CHILDREN & articles found will be taken to the LION HOUSE Losses should be reported there” […

May 5, 2013: Detailed transit.

May 3, 2013: Speaking as someone who doesn’t like REPLs (“irb is pointless; the shell is my REPL”), Pry is awesome. Having the object graph acting as a filesystem …

May 3, 2013: What’s the devops equivalent of a “code smell” called? As in “It’s a [devops smell] to have an uptime greater than 90 days.”.

May 2, 2013: Backed the Dr. Demento documentary Kickstarter [].

May 1, 2013: Guy on the L is listening to a seriously beat-up Zune with Apple headphones.

Apr 30, 2013: Even though #Felix and @riposte are better iPhone clients, I mostly use @netbot because that is still the best iPad client, and I do social stuff way …

Apr 30, 2013: Juh-heez. Yet another app with a v1.0 that can’t deal with “unusual” characters in passwords. What kind of crappy passwords do these devs test with? …

Apr 29, 2013: Tor DRM-free one year later: Awesome.

Apr 28, 2013: Vim regexes are awesome [] /via @vimtips on that other service.

Apr 20, 2013: Read and thought of @rjbs’s complaints about his players.

Apr 19, 2013: Welcome to the future. Live Boston local news is playing on my no-antenna/cable/satellite TV in Chicago via AirPlay. Weird feeling.

Apr 19, 2013: Ack v2’s project-specific rc files are great!

Apr 19, 2013: Stop #Rails from including .bak files in CSS/JavaScript: Change Hike::Index#entries() (line 80 in gems/hike-1.2.2/lib/hike/index.rb): @entries[key] …

Apr 19, 2013: Ack v2 is out! [] #tools #beyondgrep

Apr 17, 2013: «vcs rm public/javascripts/vendor/jquery-migrate-1.1.1.js» Woohoo! The code is clean!

Apr 16, 2013: I find using #Ruby’s Object#tap() for anything but debugging to be code obfuscation. Just create a regular temp variable.

Apr 16, 2013: Hooray for privacy! Now why doesn’t this URL have an “s” in the protocol?

Apr 15, 2013: If #homeopathy were real, tap water would be a panacea.

Apr 15, 2013: Booked flights and hotel for OSCON.

Apr 14, 2013: Did someone say “Gotham”‽‽‽ Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease.

Apr 14, 2013: It’s just not possible to keep up with all the music out there. sigh

Apr 12, 2013: Awww… no fun. #Ruby doesn’t support “#line” directives.

Apr 11, 2013: Amazed that my forehead isn’t flatter from all the head desking from Rails v2 to v3 migration project. (Just in time for v4 to come out.)

Apr 10, 2013: Live in a text editor and not an IDE:

Apr 10, 2013: Don’t copy from your browser and paste into your terminal:

Apr 9, 2013: Blixa Bargeld and Amanda Palmer together? Holy genre mashup, Batman!

Apr 9, 2013: Nokogiri description: “XML is like violence - if it doesn’t solve your problems, you are not using enough of it.” 😕

Apr 9, 2013: Juh-heez. How fricking often does Ubuntu really have to release kernel updates? What a royal pain.

Apr 8, 2013: Getting ebooks delivered via Dropbox is awesome.

Apr 8, 2013: Taking defensive measures against the #Ruby community’s propensity for magic and buying the PragProg Metaprogramming Ruby book. Fight fire with fire?

Apr 8, 2013: Ummm… Wow… I’d never heard of pedobaiting, before. Pretty scary story:

Apr 8, 2013: For #Perl people missing Data::Printer, the #Ruby equivalent is awesome_print.

Apr 8, 2013: Browse the directory of the current file in #vim: «:e %:h». “%” is a shortcut for the current file name and “:h” basically does a dirname(1) on that …

Apr 8, 2013: I’d rather write programs that write programs than write programs. — Dick Sites, DEC

Apr 6, 2013: Avocado: the lard of the vegans.

Apr 6, 2013: Just bought and cloned the repo.

Apr 6, 2013: Features that keep me using Firefox, even w/o plugins: • Turn off HTTP_REFERER • Turn off GIF animation • Prompting before accepting cookies

Apr 5, 2013: #Cucumber isn’t a test framework. It’s a test framework framework.

Apr 5, 2013: Amazed at the hoops having to be jumped through to maintain the pretense that #Cucumber is “plain text”.

Apr 4, 2013: Getting tired of the B.S. The programming methodology people should be using is S.T.F.U.A.W.S.C.

Apr 2, 2013: #Vim plugin of the day for me is definitely .

Apr 2, 2013: States are looking more like political echo chambers: …

Apr 1, 2013: Today’s #Ruby non-fun: There’s no method for testing whether a path is absolute, though there’s rb_is_absolute_path() in file.c in the MRI source.

Mar 30, 2013: The future has arrived. Guy in coffee shop is having a conversation in sign language via Face Time on an iPad Mini.

Mar 28, 2013: Hello #PDX. I hear you have some fine drumming this weekend.

Mar 27, 2013: Current mandatory Firefox plugins: • BetterPrivacy • Ghostery • HTTPS-Everywhere • It’s All Text! • Link Widgets • NoScript • RequestPolicy

Mar 26, 2013: TIL to use current_config() instead of Rails.env() in database operations in #Rake tasks with #Rails v3.2.

Mar 26, 2013: The #Ruby community’s propensity for monkey patching sucks rocks.

Mar 24, 2013: The best programming language is obviously the one best able to string eval «1+1»: #ruby #python #php #perl #nodejs /via …

Mar 24, 2013: Watching the Star Wars movies in Ernst Rister order. Not going with Machete order because I want to watch Maul.

Mar 24, 2013: AirPlay totally rocks. Media link in ADN post/tweet/web page/iBooks goes from iPad to 65” TV just like that.

Mar 24, 2013: OMFSM. Kosher saccharin. What will they think of next? Image []

Mar 22, 2013: Half a dozen Don Quixotes, of both genders, armed to their beards with ukuleles, take on Sergio Leone and Willie Nelson: …

Mar 22, 2013: What’s not to love about mashed potatoes deep-fried in duck fat?

Mar 22, 2013: Tonight’s entertainment: Dawn, Quixote. Given their Moby Dick, I’m seriously looking forward to this. …

Mar 22, 2013: What’s the solution to the «git checkout master && git pull && git checkout branch && git merge master» dance?

Mar 21, 2013: From reading the C source, the valid component separators for #Ruby’s Date.parse() are “/”, “-”, and “.”. Nice if that was actually documented.

Mar 21, 2013: You have got to be kidding me. #Ruby’s date parsing has time zone names hard coded in C (ext/date/date_parse.c) and they include the ambiguous ones. …

Mar 21, 2013: Today’s #Ruby fun: porting an app from v1.8 to v1.9 and Date.parse() changed such that it can’t deal with U.S. dates (m/d/y), only ISO and …

Mar 19, 2013: End of next week is the 10th anniversary of the peak of Daley hubris: the overnight, “stealth” bulldozing of Meigs Field: …

Mar 19, 2013: Hacked #Rails log colors in gems/activerecord-3.2.12/lib/active_record/log_subscriber.rb, in sql(): if odd? name = color(name, BLUE, false) else name …

Mar 17, 2013: Twitter Android app now requires access to your personal contact card? [beep] that.

Mar 15, 2013: Hey #Perl people: if you get into a disagreement with a #Ruby bigot about sigils, ask them what they think of #Haml.

Mar 15, 2013: Really appreciating today.

Mar 15, 2013: Hah! Now there’s a /really/ free software license for you, the WTFPL. The “Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License”.

Mar 15, 2013: #ruby #vim #vimrc: «autocmd FileType ruby inoreabbrev tty;'/dev/tty', ‘w’) { |h| h.puts “\e[33;1mHERE!\e[0m …

Mar 13, 2013: Hooray for the death of Google Reader! Now we will hopefully get some feed readers on iOS instead of Google Reader readers.

Mar 13, 2013: TIL about the GNU ls(1) –full-time option.

Mar 11, 2013: Tried Fleksy. You can’t even select text‽ Say what‽ And punctuation was impossible. Deleted.

Mar 11, 2013: OH: “‘Tres leches’ is Spanish for ‘soggy cake’.”

Mar 9, 2013: Tried and failed to come up with a metaphor to explain what Linux is to someone who isn’t close to understanding the difference between OS X and …

Mar 7, 2013: Left Lookingglass’s “Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo” at intermission last night; couldn’t deal with the blood.

Mar 4, 2013: ♫ And the chorus goes ♫ And the chorus goes ♫ Buh-buh-buh-buh-bang! ♫ #wire

Feb 28, 2013: I’m wondering at the new 50 user token requirement for the #DIP. If an app doesn’t have users, it’s not going to get votes, so why is the requirement …

Feb 28, 2013: Engaging in DDBF: “Documentation-Driven Bug Finding”.

Feb 27, 2013: «ruby-1.9.3 -e ‘puts “\n” =~ /\R/ ? “yea” : “nay”’» ☞ nay «ruby-2.0.0 -e ‘puts “\n” =~ /\R/ ? “yea” : “nay”’» ☞ yea It’s yucky that there isn’t a …

Feb 27, 2013: Wrote my first #Perl in several months. Hooray for terminating semicolons!

Feb 25, 2013: The Fig test suite is 20% slower on #Ruby v2.0.0p0 vs v1.9.3p0. So much for that optimization of «require».

Feb 25, 2013: More users on @adn means more of a need for lists.

Feb 25, 2013: I’ve been paid for more than a year to work on an open source project. Now how damn cool is that? Thank you DRW.

Feb 25, 2013: I love having CI servers. Do a check in and tests in 16 different environmental permutations kick off.

Feb 25, 2013: John Adams’ “Short Ride in a Fast Machine” rocks.

Feb 25, 2013: #Ruby v2 assumes UTF-8. Hooray!

Feb 24, 2013: I still don’t understand the appeal of the iPad mini. But then I’m still mourning the death of the 17” MBP.

Feb 23, 2013: Cold War in #Chicago:

Feb 23, 2013: Only in #Chicago:

Feb 21, 2013: Ugh. Getting developers to upgrade their version of Fig is hard.

Feb 20, 2013: Practical Vim: “… so we can invoke gUaw to convert the current word to SHOUTY case.” 😀

Feb 20, 2013: The one #vim key remapping that I can really get behind: turn the arrow keys into no-ops.

Feb 18, 2013: Just bought tickets for Portland Taiko’s March show: Hooray for percussion!

Feb 15, 2013: OH: “… All I care about in the end is removing a manual step from our build process, I don’t care what’s in the Soylent Green.”

Feb 15, 2013: Moving code from spec/spec_helper.rb to new file under lib/. #ruby #rspec #testutilitiesbecomerealcode

Feb 15, 2013: Hooray! #Felix way more usable with “swipe to go back”. Still confused by the post icon; it’s too dissimilar from what other apps use. Despite …

Feb 13, 2013: Finding just the smell of sushi noxious. (The smell of the seaweed, I suspect.)

Feb 8, 2013: FSM help all those who need backslashes in the second argument to #Ruby’s String#gsub(). What a mess.

Feb 8, 2013: A-parsing we will go. A-parsing we will go. Heigh-ho, the derry-o, A-parsing we will go.

Feb 6, 2013: Trying to decide on a VCS hosting service. Suggestions for ones where the VCS does not support “uncommit” or other history modification?

Feb 4, 2013: Periodic self-reminder to relearn what the Web is for: to allow everyone to say “Why Wasn’t I Consulted?”.

Feb 4, 2013: Really digging the Looper soundtrack. Lots of fun crunchy noises.

Feb 4, 2013: Relearning #javascript after a decade. Hey, you don’t need to do everything by hand any more!

Feb 1, 2013: The term “equals” is such a horrible mess in programming languages. New languages should forbid that term and use “equivalent” and “identical” …

Feb 1, 2013: Parked on the L tracks.

Jan 30, 2013: On the heavier side of new music, the new Combichrist, “No Redemption”, seems like generic, bland metal, but the new Hanzel Und Gretyl, “Born to Be …

Jan 29, 2013: Enable HTTP_REFERER? Ummm… No. Upset that I allowed access to to get far enough to reach that message. #adn #privacy

Jan 29, 2013: Listening to

Jan 28, 2013: Guh. The tortured formatting required in #Ruby due to not requiring trailing semicolons.

Jan 28, 2013: As of 2010, in Illinois drivers are required to stop at crosswalks: …

Jan 27, 2013: Wishing for an iPad with 1TiB of storage.

Jan 27, 2013: ♪ Goody two ♫ goody two ♪ goody goody two shoes ♫

Jan 26, 2013: Watching NPR Tiny Desk Concerts. Musician after musician: “This is the first time I’ve played in an office.”

Jan 24, 2013: Recurring theme: In languages with string interpolation, don’t use double quotes unless you really want interpolation. #singlequoteeverything #bash …

Jan 23, 2013: Grooving to Mucca Pazza.

Jan 23, 2013: Still can’t believe that #Ruby’s «caller» returns an array of strings.

Jan 22, 2013: ♫ You’re a sad, sad robot. You’re a sad, sad robot. You’re a sad, sad robot. You’re so alone. ♫

Jan 22, 2013: Passing a block to #Ruby’s Dir.mktmpdir() is turning into a royal pain on block exit: File locking issues on Windows, order of deletion of files and …

Jan 22, 2013: It’s weird when two women refer to each other as “dude”.

Jan 21, 2013: Illinois Medical District: When you’re here, you don’t want to be

Jan 20, 2013: Sorry, but I don’t know that movie that shaped your childhood. […

Jan 20, 2013: No more #ADN clients for iPhone only. Only interested in ones with iPad equivalents. Note that I’m not saying universal apps, because developers …

Jan 19, 2013: Stereo camera #ancienttech

Jan 18, 2013: #Ruby confusion: #Rails does some form of magical auto-requiring that ignores the RUBYLIB environment variable. What the…‽

Jan 15, 2013: “Bread cooties”

Jan 12, 2013: There is no “The El” in #Chicago. It’s spelled “The L”.

Jan 8, 2013: Now this thing about the swipe direction on a post in #Felix being the opposite that of a certain other client drives me nuts.

Jan 8, 2013: Dang, #Felix’s reply behavior to a post with multiple mentions is awesome. Don’t ask whether to “Reply to All”, just include everybody, but select all …

Jan 8, 2013: sigh There does not appear to be an #ADN client in the #Amazon #Android app store, which is a pain for those of us who refuse to use #Google #Play.

Jan 7, 2013: Assuming you already know Ruby, MVC, databases, and Web stuff and just need to learn Rails, thumbs up for

Jan 7, 2013: Learning #Rails and observing how much it encourages #ROT instead of #REST. …

Jan 5, 2013: “Smells like a Steven Spielberg movie in here.”

Jan 4, 2013: I’m interested in how long it will take for 50% of phones to be /used/ as smartphones. …

Jan 4, 2013: The version of ftplugin/ruby.vim in #Vim itself is from almost 3 years ago and completely borks the value of the «path» option due its use of a …

Jan 2, 2013: Create smart-playlist “last-played is not in the last 12 months” and put on shuffle. Instant “OMFSM, I completely forgot they ever did this” and …

Jan 2, 2013: «ack -l —text ‘[ \t]+$’ | xargs perl -pi -e ‘s/[ \t]+$//’» #stopthetwitching

Jan 2, 2013: Having grown up with both parents working for Ma Bell, this is, um, wow. …

Jan 1, 2013: Not a fan of imagery for @themagazine cover. Plain text is what set it apart before. Keep it simple. #lessismore

Dec 29, 2012: The best way to listen to @NPR is definitely by apps and podcast. Thankfully, @WBEZ has their High Fidelity program to allow paying to keep this sort …

Dec 28, 2012: BTW, you don’t need to use the #AmazonMP3 installer. You can get at the app via “Show Package Contents”.

Dec 27, 2012: Special editions of The Lord of The Rings movies were extra long to add all the bits that they had to leave out from the books. Special edition of The …

Dec 21, 2012: Grooving and feeling my bathroom. Join in the musical awesomeness: …

Dec 21, 2012: Just heard a “those wacky foreigners” story on #NPR. Make me wonder what “those wacky Americans” stories are being reported elsewhere.

Dec 18, 2012: The first two days of “uncrowding” on @ctabrown does not seem to have done much.

Dec 17, 2012: #Chrome is “sensible-browser”?! I think not. #ubuntu

Dec 17, 2012: Tired of the having to use line continuations in #Ruby. Gimme mandatory semicolons.

Dec 14, 2012: Actually it makes sense that the nulls can’t make it through the *nix environment. Tried #zsh. It keeps the nulls in the internal version of the …

Dec 14, 2012: #bash internals question: What happens with «export FOO=$‘blah\0blah\0blah’»? Does the variable hold four bytes or fourteen? «vim …

Dec 14, 2012: Dang. There was no dollar bill before the Civil War. Each bank had its own currency. …

Dec 12, 2012: Work today is consisting primarily of sitting around thinking about “should I do X and what are the implications of that?”. Lines of code …

Dec 11, 2012: Comparing sound from an iPhone 4S and an iPhone 5 by playing the AirMech soundtrack on both simultaneously. Actually sounds pretty good despite being …

Dec 11, 2012: Released #Fig v0.2.3, which requires #Ruby v1.9.2. No more Ruby v1.8, woohoo! I get to use splat everywhere now! Slow removal of “can’t do X because …

Dec 11, 2012: Hooray for promoting pedestrian use of streets. [ #chicago #cityplanning #heywatchwhereyouregoing

Dec 9, 2012: Birds chirping like nuts outside. You’d think it was Spring.

Dec 5, 2012: #Adobe won’t fix #Linux video bug in #Flash; they keep closing tickets. How to deal with it? Modify the video library to detect whether it is being …

Dec 3, 2012: Oh, wow. K&R-style C function declarations. #bash

Dec 3, 2012: #bash: Inside double square brackets, == and != are not string equivalence tests, but glob pattern match tests, i.e. «[[ x == ? ]]» returns 0. You can …

Dec 3, 2012: #bash: “Because the extglob option changes the way certain characters are parsed, it is necessary to have a newline (not just a semicolon) between the …

Dec 3, 2012: You should go have tea with Chuck. Ask him what does in summer. #chicago #theatre #chuck …

Dec 2, 2012: Thumbs up for We Three Lizas. Not what I expected, in a good way. #chicago #theatre [

Dec 2, 2012: “Undercover meteorologist”

Dec 2, 2012: ♬ The Business End of Love ♬

Dec 1, 2012: Today’s word: “Kinderarchy”, as in being ruled by children.

Nov 30, 2012: “I hear people who say… they’re quitting coffee. They’re giving that up. But I think why would you do that? What is that getting you? You know what …

Nov 30, 2012: From All Songs Considered “The Albums We Missed This Year” episode, band that should exist: Hampster Pudding.

Nov 28, 2012: “When I give, I give tattoos.” “… depictions of Santa change and evolve as time passes on, but lately I have noticed that many of …

Nov 27, 2012: Bitsquatting: Abuse other people’s bad RAM for fun and profit—

Nov 27, 2012: Wowzers. Abusing bad RAM for fun and profit:

Nov 26, 2012: Some high weirdness going on… something on my Mac is running Firefox every time I try to type an exclamation point.

Nov 26, 2012: The means of guilt-tripping people into doing things via gifts has a name: the “rule of reciprocation”. …

Nov 25, 2012: TRES LECHES! Belated birthday cake.

Nov 20, 2012: Las Vegas

Nov 20, 2012: “On the left is the children’s museum…” “How often do they let them out?”

Nov 19, 2012: SUGAR RUSH!!!!

Nov 18, 2012: “Slice n’ Share”

Nov 17, 2012: OMFSM. I’m in a Hot Topic and I spot myself in a mirror. I look like I belong here. I’m a cliché.

Nov 15, 2012: First holiday activity of the year

Nov 15, 2012: Coca-cola asked the government to create a 7½¢ coin. And the reason that you can’t get a 5¢ Coke is because the U.S. dropped the gold standard. High …

Nov 13, 2012: Exclamation!

Nov 13, 2012: Today’s Ruby “Say what?!”: the Array class implements the “<=>” operator but none of the other magnitude comparison operators.

Nov 11, 2012: Rising to the occasion of a Sunday morning with the Extra Action Marching Band’s “The Triumph of Fascination”. (@EAMB)

Nov 10, 2012: You should go see Chuck. He makes nice tea. I’m assuming that his mood hasn’t improved in the past year, though. …

Nov 9, 2012: Don’t use which(1) to determine where a command comes from; it’s an external program and uses hacks to get at aliases, etc. Use your shell’s builtin …

Nov 6, 2012: Election Night

Nov 6, 2012: Voting in Chicago is like being in high-school scantron test-land again.

Nov 2, 2012: HOME!!!! 🏡

Nov 2, 2012: OMFSM!!! I’M ON A PLANE!!! Off the island, soon hopefully off the ground.

Nov 1, 2012: Apps are going to kill TV, which killed movies, which killed theatre, didn’t it?

Oct 31, 2012: Giving up on getting out of New York tomorrow.

Oct 30, 2012: In Manhattan restaurant: “I have Internet and I have power, but I also have the crane. I live on 58th.” […

Oct 29, 2012: Now have to figure out how soon we can get home. Given the current situation, I’m betting the earliest is Thursday.

Oct 29, 2012: “Parking meter rules suspended today”. Oh, really? The point of this declaration eludes me.

Oct 29, 2012: Peeked through hotel window curtains. Video screens in Times Square still going. People and cars still moving around.

Oct 29, 2012: Light rain in Manhattan. People and cars still moving around, but most retail establishments are closed. #sandy

Oct 28, 2012: Stuck in NYC.

Oct 26, 2012: “Bring in the Menonites.”

Oct 26, 2012: (On the features of a hotel bathroom) “That’s not a shower. That’s a tsunami.”

Oct 24, 2012: I think I need to try this for my next hard problem (the different location part, not the dead trees part): …

Oct 24, 2012: This morning’s atmospheric groove to get things gradually moving: Contagious Orgasm’s “Escape”. Percussion that sort of burbles along in the …

Oct 23, 2012: #Android #ePub readers, based on ability to render “Practical Vim”: Aldiko: fail 😠 Bluefire Reader: fail 😠 Moon+ Reader Pro: fail 😠 Mantano: success 😀

Oct 23, 2012: Surprised that I like @instapaper better on Nexus 7 than on iPad/iPhone. I’d probably like ePubs on Nexus 7 better as well, if there was an ePub app …

Oct 22, 2012: Hands cold? Find a place with questionable cellular signal and hold an iPhone while it struggles to keep a connection.

Oct 21, 2012: High class lunch — samples at Costco.

Oct 18, 2012: Now have a folder just for #ADN clients.

Oct 17, 2012: Obviously, @nelstrom has never met Damian Conway. “If you have to look down to find the keys on the keyboard, the benefits of learning Vim won’t come …

Oct 17, 2012: Adding meat to vegetarian food.

Oct 17, 2012: The big feature that @netbot has that other #ADN clients don’t: crossposting to #Twitter.

Oct 17, 2012: A new #ADN client? Must purchase! Gotta collect them all! Will probably need to move all the clients out of the Internet folder in to their own …

Oct 17, 2012: Whee! Got spam on brand-new, not-yet-used email address. Was caught by @pobox spam filters, but shows email providers get stuff sent to random …

Oct 16, 2012: Just admit it. You sometimes read your spam just to see what crazy crap they’ve come up with this time.

Oct 15, 2012: I don’t like that even the core of #ruby requires monkey patching. Sets bad cultural precedent.

Oct 13, 2012: No kite flying.

Oct 13, 2012: No kite flying

Oct 13, 2012: Awesome! I don’t know the guy’s name, but I love this #L driver.

Oct 12, 2012: Need more #adn clients doing experiments like #rivr and not just Twitter clones.—listening to Bolero Completely Unraveled by Sandra Boynton & The …

Oct 12, 2012: The biggest problem with the #felix interface is the bright blue post button. In an otherwise low-key row of tab icons, the color makes it look like …

Oct 12, 2012: How nice it is to have CI tests across a large body of real world data with wildly varying characteristics. So many edge cases caught that otherwise …

Oct 11, 2012: Dear @netbot, please allow me to use Pinboard and @instapaper at the same time.

Oct 11, 2012: Several years ago, I was dealing with a recruiter who, by his accent, had obviously been born in England. He used the exclamation “oh my god” a lot. I …

Oct 10, 2012: ♫ Are you radical? ♫ ♫ Are you relevant? ♫

Oct 7, 2012: You’re walking down the street and you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while. They wave hello, but they’re in the middle of a phone …

Oct 6, 2012: Imagining someone learning English from I Can Haz Cheezburger.

Oct 6, 2012: Giving in to iOS 6 and losing native transit support on my iPhone.

Oct 5, 2012: The zap tower in #Fieldeunners 2 is a lot of fun and different in action than any other tower.

Oct 4, 2012: #Rhino, thanks for the native iPad support, but could there be some design done specifically for the iPad rather than just blowing up the iPhone …

Oct 4, 2012: Either conversations on #ADN are longer than those on #Twitter, in general, or the people I pay attention to here are more likely to converse.

Oct 3, 2012: Dear #ADN #developers, please charge money for you apps and services. If users don’t pay, your interests aren’t aligned.

Oct 3, 2012: It would be nice if other #ADN clients could at least indicate the presence of metadata even if they have no support for it themselves.

Oct 3, 2012: #Rivr’s interface takes a tiny bit of learning, but if they make use of the meta information outside of the message text, there’s a lot they can …

Oct 3, 2012: #mood : tired #rivrMood

Oct 3, 2012: #mood : calm #rivrMood

Oct 3, 2012: With the increasing number of people, more and more I want to be able to put them into groups for viewing. Lists, @adn, I want lists. Please.

Oct 3, 2012: So, now we’ve got Netbot, we need lists. #ADN

Oct 3, 2012: Daley Halloween

Oct 3, 2012: Shower

Sep 30, 2012: This picture is right-side-up. It’s the top floor elevator button.

Sep 30, 2012: I don’t wish you were here.

Sep 29, 2012: Shortened perspective

Sep 15, 2012: Most desired #Twitter feature not currently supported by #ADN: lists.

Sep 14, 2012: Which #rspec files have failures? «for X in *_spec.rb do rspec –fail-fast $X &>/dev/null echo $? $X done» #ruby #testing

Sep 10, 2012: I’m guessing that it was Purple, but I don’t remember.

Sep 10, 2012: Big oopsie of the day: leaving out the colon from «:fork» in some #ruby code.

Sep 9, 2012: For when #scp doesn’t work so well, e.g. preserving users: «# Be paranoid about tar not supporting the -C option. sudo tar cf - somedirectory | …

Sep 9, 2012: First grumble about @adian: not showing newlines in posts.

Sep 9, 2012: So @Adian is a step up from Rhino, but given the TweetFire screenshots on the app store, I’m not so sure how good the UI is going to get. On the other …

Sep 7, 2012: “Could I see your program so that I can make sure that you’re going into the correct theater?” “I’m the playwright.”

Sep 7, 2012: Smucking figar coker.

Sep 7, 2012: Wet Wells

Sep 5, 2012: “Writers take facts and statistics from all sorts of ridiculous places:, interviews with crackpot professors, the mouths of politicians.” …

Sep 5, 2012: Would someone implement the #Ruby equivalent of #Perl6 grammars, please? By tomorrow morning would be fine. Thanks.

Sep 5, 2012: Upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 leads to some sort of VMware graphics driver problem where I can’t log directly into my Windows VM but I can Remote Desktop …

Sep 3, 2012: Hooray for native desktop apps.

Sep 2, 2012: Hooray for native mobile apps.

Aug 18, 2012: Well worn

Aug 5, 2012: Radiator

Aug 1, 2012: Vanishing point

Jul 19, 2012: Facilities Font Faux Pas

Jul 16, 2012: Portland, up close

Jul 16, 2012: Portland

Jul 13, 2012: Mini meatcakes with “maple” syrup

Jul 7, 2012: Results of children

Jun 22, 2012: 30 Queer Plays in 60 Straight Minutes

Jun 21, 2012: Ready for a blizzard in June

May 5, 2012: Attacked by Children (Whiteboard)

Apr 8, 2012: Dead Trees

Mar 19, 2012: The Chin

Mar 16, 2012: Paddington

Mar 13, 2012: Ball

Mar 10, 2012: The police like me

Mar 9, 2012: Angled

Mar 8, 2012: Through to the cloisters

Mar 8, 2012: The blobs are invading Cambridge

Mar 8, 2012: Don’t drink the street

Mar 2, 2012: Mmmm… meatcakes

Feb 25, 2012: Crumbling street

Feb 25, 2012: Fat Face

Feb 25, 2012: Man carrying no-entry bar

Feb 25, 2012: hcuot ton od esaelP

Feb 24, 2012: Suck it and see

Feb 24, 2012: This is not a highway

Feb 22, 2012: The eye sees everything. Except who it was that killed Kennedy.

Feb 22, 2012: Pizza Hut

Feb 22, 2012: Firetrap

Feb 21, 2012: Crocodile Dreams — I dreamed I was on holiday and a crocodile was in my bathroom wearing my converse trainers.

Feb 21, 2012: Fruit salad water

Feb 21, 2012: Tube

Feb 14, 2012: (boring, mundane photo of) Chocolate Overdose @cookiebarbakery

Feb 13, 2012: Sheen from afar

Feb 13, 2012: It be pirate coding day. Parents, lock up your child processes for safety. Launch the hardened kernels!

Feb 10, 2012: Spelled like they needed it at the time they made it. #caffeine

Feb 7, 2012: Mad East Mad

Jan 1, 2012: Wind aftereffects

Jan 1, 2012: Darkened Deming

Dec 31, 2011: Sun

Dec 26, 2011: Overstuffed wallet: @busreset / OMFSM wallet: @crouton6

Dec 21, 2011: Frankenelvis lamp #kitsch

Dec 5, 2011: Does this mean I should fake drilling here? #unnecessaryquotes #cta

Nov 25, 2011: Terribly expensive burgundies

Nov 24, 2011: Sauce of the cranberry, in its proper form

Nov 19, 2011: Unicorn on a stick. #straftanz

Nov 13, 2011: Heading down

Nov 9, 2011: “For those of us who aren’t going /anywhere/” #therapture

Nov 9, 2011: Crybaby

Nov 9, 2011: L motion

Nov 8, 2011: Violet Washington

Nov 8, 2011: Blue Washington

Nov 8, 2011: Grey Washington

Nov 4, 2011: The Gift

Oct 30, 2011: Generic, slightly off focus, picture of nothing from some social photography service.

Oct 29, 2011: Well, I certainly hope so.

Oct 25, 2011: Souvenir #trimet #portland

Oct 23, 2011: Los Straitjackets son impresionantes! #losstraitjackets

Oct 23, 2011: Los aros hula son muy entretenidas #losstraitjackets

Oct 23, 2011: Batman! Batman! Batman! #losstraitjackets

Oct 23, 2011: Wells dusk

Oct 17, 2011: “Venilation”

Oct 15, 2011: Church for sale, cheap!

Oct 15, 2011: Hope you have good brakes

Oct 12, 2011: Fall into the seat

Oct 11, 2011: Transit jail

Oct 10, 2011: New eye. #cta #bigbrother

Oct 4, 2011: Don’t be a “jerk” and “dispose” of “your” “garbage”.

Oct 3, 2011: You don’t really want to do that, do you?

Oct 3, 2011: There needs to be more art with tongue in it.

Oct 3, 2011: Another day of securing the stairwell when the problems are on the platforms. #cta

Oct 2, 2011: I thought I’d remember your voice

Oct 2, 2011: Caffeine, nicotine, and pooch

Oct 2, 2011: Keep Portland weird

Oct 2, 2011: Fancy your chances?

Oct 1, 2011: Pipe fountain

Sep 30, 2011: Is it flowing in or out?

Sep 29, 2011: Pink umbrella

Sep 28, 2011: Last winn^H^H^H^Hloser

Sep 28, 2011: Wet Washington

Sep 28, 2011: Pipes with milligraffiti

Sep 27, 2011: Rain

Sep 27, 2011: Pavement garland

Sep 27, 2011: Three

Sep 26, 2011: Bad bathroom music scoreboard

Sep 24, 2011: Eugene Dietzgen Co., 1906

Sep 23, 2011: Madison & Wabash, northbound Brown

Sep 21, 2011: El L

Sep 17, 2011: Lord Kelvin installs Lion (who knew?)

Sep 16, 2011: Rail dirt

Sep 15, 2011: Breakfast on Rails

Sep 13, 2011: Diversey Tuesday

Sep 11, 2011: Cyrano

Jul 26, 2011: No trip to Portland is complete without it.

Jul 25, 2011: Trapped in a room with The Damian.

Jul 25, 2011: Palette of Rust and Greenish Brown

Jul 23, 2011: Orchard, Belden, Lincoln

Jul 22, 2011: Out for breakfast while the temperature is down to merely sucky, sucky, sucky.

Jul 22, 2011: Lake Street

Jul 21, 2011: Bolt

Jul 17, 2011: I didn’t know you could rent lumber.

Jul 17, 2011: Dials

Jul 16, 2011: Bakin’ the Beans. Caffeine Beans.

Jul 16, 2011: John reads medical marijuana ads.

Jul 1, 2011: Aspen in the Morning

Jul 1, 2011: Breakfast

Jun 30, 2011: Nuclear Horse

Jun 30, 2011: Horse/Baits

Jun 30, 2011: Slug Pickup

Jun 30, 2011: George says don’t fly here.

Jun 29, 2011: Bag People

Jun 29, 2011: Light and Bark

Jun 28, 2011: S.M.O.G. — Steak, Mushrooms, Onion, Gruyère

Jun 28, 2011: Flak-Bait

Jun 27, 2011: 8 pillows. Yeah!

Jun 23, 2011: In case I need to deal with any issues at Barclays.

Jun 23, 2011: Turning out straight.

Jun 23, 2011: Where are we headed, commuters?

Jun 23, 2011: Tree from the top

Jun 21, 2011: Breakfast

Jun 20, 2011: Color Fail

Apr 18, 2011: Calion next to me

Apr 1, 2011: Gauntlets

Mar 30, 2011: Minorly Moire

Mar 30, 2011: Is the Price Right?

Mar 29, 2011: Crumpled tracks

Mar 29, 2011: Over the river

Mar 29, 2011: Spark

Mar 28, 2011: Disneyland

Mar 11, 2011: Sail on the Pavement

Mar 10, 2011: Train People

Mar 9, 2011: The Dank West

Mar 9, 2011: Burritos as Big as Your Head

Mar 9, 2011: Negative Lines

Mar 8, 2011: City

Mar 8, 2011: Curved Triangle

Mar 7, 2011: Evening L

Mar 7, 2011: Wells

Mar 6, 2011: Photo Enforced

Mar 6, 2011: Drinking Coffee

Mar 5, 2011: Garage Theater

Mar 5, 2011: Biograph

Mar 4, 2011: New Toy

Mar 4, 2011: Chez Geek

Mar 4, 2011: Tracks

Mar 3, 2011: Hydrant for Stupendous Man

Mar 3, 2011: Desk