: Bah. All these “low footprint” Docker images turn you into a Linux distro builder having to assemble …

: Male or Female: Could I Love a Pair of Wings? 🎵📺

: TIL, services fronted by Cloudflare won’t let you use “/etc/passwd” or …

: Do not use pyenv, rbenv, non-root-user whatever language runtime manager. Build and lock down your …

: I semi-regularly use the . (plain files) and * (executable files) Zsh glob qualifiers. (The way to …

: Why, yes, I am trawling through the Zsh docs looking for means of picking out a subset of files out …

: Zsh D glob qualifier: sets the GLOB_DOTS option for the current pattern ∙> echo *git* zsh: no …

: Zsh N glob qualifier: sets the NULL_GLOB option for the current pattern •> echo nosuchfile* …

: From the Zsh documentation: If a word begins with an unquoted ‘=’ and the EQUALS option …

: Shakespeare’s use of the word “cypher” and the origin of the multiplication symbol, ×. 📺

: George Antheil’s Ballet Mécanique, which requires 16 synchronized player-pianos was never fully …

: TIL that the /lib/systemd/systemd --user process for a user with linger enabled does not …

: Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. I first heard this epigram from Laurie …

: I find it weird that /var/lib/systemd/linger contains usernames instead of UIDs.

: > systemctl status non_existent.slice ● non_existent.slice Loaded: loaded Active: inactive (dead) …

: Navigating data flows in GitHub Actions is… an adventure.

: Discovered that I somehow still have Growl installed. That was a flashback.

: For some reason, I was reminded of the “greatness” that is Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969). …

: EditorConfig and Vim Finally got around to hooking up EditorConfig into my Vim setup… " Look for and interpret …

: It’s May 16th. This day in 1964, the FBI drops its years-long investigation into the pop song …

: Please stop writing those illegible, infinitely long and/or infinitely continued-with-backslashes …

: Every time I see a file with a .yml extension I think “did not typing that ‘a’ …

: 📷 One way

: Surprisingly low numbers are unresolved in the ways that they’re imperfect. An amazing thing …

: Having used Codeium for several weeks now with Vim, it’s a mixed bag. It can speed things up for …

: The macOS Character Viewer 🅿 problem. Today’s bit of fun… the macOS Character Viewer, when you use it to enter 🅿, not only enters …

: GitHub-flavored-Markdown supports alerts. Who knew? Markdown alert style content blocks on Github

: Hooray for Ctrl-z / bg / disown %1.

: Feel so disappointed 😞 when I feel like I need to resort to monkey punching (“monkey …

: Apple’s Universal Links suck. They cause me to uninstall apps to get around them. You can work …

: 🌱 Spring sprig 📷

: Leidenfrost Effect. Macro. Slow Mo. 📺🌫️😂

: What if you swam in a nuclear storage pool? 📺☢️🏊‍♂️

: It’s always weird when you watch a movie that you’ve never seen before and realize that music that …

: Heinz Is Putting Up Ketchup Dispensers To Tempt Chicagoans With Forbidden Condiment 🌭

: What’s with Easter egg nog?

: Can gravitational waves interfere with each other? 🪐📺 Dr. Becky is this really great blend of …

: 🙄 at APIs that deprecate interfaces that you still need to use for newly added features.

: Do not use /usr/bin/curl on macOS if you care about the --cacert option. WTF, Apple?

: Really weird hearing all the other songs by a one album wonder almost 30 years later… Extra Fancy …

: I remove all minimized code from JavaScript libraries that I use (I don’t need to deal with …

: Would a Submarine Work as a Spaceship? 🚀📺

: The Doubleclicks live at Wabash College 2024 🎵📺

: Had problems getting a systemd service to change the slice it runs under. What finally worked was …

: I 💙 sd_notify(3).

: The thing about reading systemd docs is continually having to remind yourself what version you’ve …

: Multiple Discovery: The Curious Case of Simultaneous Invention by the great Kirby Ferguson 📺

: 📷 Cathedral of transit

: … There was one other, but she was in Egypt. And, besides, she didn’t last as long as I did.

: What if you threw a baseball at nearly light speed? ⚾ 📺

: Searching YouTube for classical music — result 1: “whatever, best version” result 2: “whatever - the …

: New Lustmord! Behold a Voice as Thunder 📺🎵

: TIL of the German Coast uprising, the largest slave revolt in U.S. history, which resulted from, in …

: It took awhile, but I was finally able to watch The Set-Up (1949), and thus able to catch up with …

: Movies were not considered “free speech” until 1952.

: Installed zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting everywhere.

: Yeah, yeah, Steamboat Willie, yeah, but the work that I’m most excited about becoming public domain …

: The final episode of The Day the Universe Changed (on what questions society allows science to ask, …

: Growing up in the Chicago area in the 1980s makes this so weird: …

: Some fine weirdness: Stone Giants: The Girl With The Great Ideas (That I Steal) 📺🎵

: Hearing a pop song for the first time outside of a Breakmaster Cylinder mashup on Canada’s Drag …

: Hour-long interview of Ben Burtt by Adam Savage. Nicely done. Burtt says that “THX”, the name of the …

: Firefox can now force links to always be underlined. This option can be enabled in the Browsing …

: There are podcasts that I listen at 1x to allow time to absorb the material. There are podcasts I …

: Hugo Montenegro and His Orchestra - “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly“ 🎵📺

: Cyberaktif - “A Single Trace“ 🎵📺

: Third party cookies start going away next year. I have my doubts about how fast this will actually …

: “What would a magnitude 15 earthquake be like?”: www.youtube.com/watch 📺 Ugh. All these …

: 🍂

: If you have an iPhone and you haven’t explored the settings in the Magnifier app, you should spend …

: Getting back into Last.fm after 11 years and, yeah, my tastes appear to be as esoteric as ever. I …

: Fairly good explanation of why I am disappointed in @manton every time he mentions DHH or any of the …

: Schema design win of the day: splatting “description” and “notes” columns …

: Pigface had many times the number of members of This Mortal Coil and twice the output, but was way …

: Still find the output of This Mortal Coil to have been miraculous. How such an amalgamation of a …

: I’m saddened every time I see anyone use alias; it should be considered a deprecated relic of …

: Turn Every Page: The Adventures of Robert Caro and Robert Gottlieb is fantastic; a great, …

: Today, mourning the lack of a “nightmare” emoji.

: You need to laugh at all the bros complaining about the newness of “cis”; were they not paying …

: 🍂

: I dislike when there are new credentials or other environment-specific configuration added to a …

: 🍂

: Reminder to myself that systemctl list-timers is a thing.

: Reminder that Unix epoch time is a lie because it ignores leap seconds, i.e. seconds do not …

: You go into an Errol Morris documentary with high expectations, and The Pigeon Tunnel meets them. I …

: I thought my web app’s date/time display functionality was broken. Went chasing things down, and it …

: Roger Ebert - Night of the Living Dead (1969) audience review Interesting observation of the state …

: Slack interprets Mastodon post bodies as “mrkdwn”. 🤔

: libyaml doesn’t support emitting comments? 😞

: Sonoma apparently breaks wallpaper settings in all kinds of ways. I was able to mostly get things …

: Simple little zsh function that makes my life easier every day: function newdir { if [[ $# != 1 ]] …

: There’s nothing in the JSON specification that says that Graham’s number is an invalid …

: Make everyone’s life easier and just statically link everything. Including libc.

: Watching Andor again. I know what happens and yet I’m still tense.

: One of my favorite lines from any movie— Roberta Muldoon from The World According to Garp: I mean, …

: In the (northern hemisphere) Fall 2023 Apple operating systems, you can disable animated images …

: So apparently, due to a 1920s Supreme Court case, all the data that current cars gather on you (e.g. …

: Watching old movies reminds me: I don’t miss dealing with paper maps.

: Cicada season is annoying.

: The most jarring thing when watching non-English language films is when some random English pops up …

: TIL that there is an SQLite database of Unicode included in every macOS installation. Running …

: Love Notes to Newton 📺 Hour and a half documentary on the creation of the Apple Newton and the …

: Sunny X, composed by Tyondai Braxton, performed by Third Coast Percussion Oddball and out there and …

: The most epic Wikipedia article I’ve ever read: Air Canada 143: Gimli Glider. Someone had fun …

: British McDonalds got a sequence in the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.

: Why Jupiter made the new gravitational wave discovery possible 🪐🤯📺

: Is there a Black Hole in our Solar System? 📺 Holy crud, this idea is awesome. Chances of it being …

: It’s International Tuba Day! Go celebrate with some Mucca Pazza! 🎵

: Today I learned of the existence of systemd-nspawn. Who needs Docker? 😉

: It’s Time to Legalize Sampling Damn straight.

: 📺 Everything is a Remix — Complete Updated 2023 Edition Now you can watch the entire awesome thing …

: Watched Island of Lost Souls, which, of course, means that one must immediately listen to Oingo …

: May developers of Nope.js packages that only distribute minimized code be cursed with unreliable …

: I love Hey Asshole by 1000 Homo DJs. 🎵 Like my boots? 🎵

: Disappointed that :w3n creates a file named 3n in Vim.

: Kirby Ferguson has done it again: www.youtube.com/watch Sad that he couldn’t make it work …

: Breed to Death by Dismantled just came up on shuffle.

: The current “1Password for Safari” Mac app is such a pain in the ass. It won’t …

: Yesterday I learned that not-very-old versions of Bash, when set -o nounset is in effect, treat …

: Dear 1Password, your password policies suck.

: This is evil: github.com/golang/go… Of course the company that does all the click-tracking …

: Hooray for BirdsiteLIVE! I can now keep up to date with @cta. For other Twitter accounts, I can use …

: Today’s Tweetbot drama and Hockenberry’s resignation at the general situation make me …

: Bought Re: Toot for use with iMessage, not for quote posting. Would be nice if Mastodon HTML …

: RISC V is fragmenting, but it does not matter. I wonder what the king of processor transitions, …

: No third-party clients, no Twitter for me.

: Parsing command line options by hand in Bash because I need array-valued options. getopt(1) …

: JavaScript’s .sort() (without any parameters) always casts elements to strings. Whee.

: Looks like tech Twitter is hollowed out. Most of the developers are gone, though there are a few …

: Glad that I live in a state where facial recognition is illegal. …

: Took a screenshot of my Twitter profile as a record in case I get banned.

: Merry Kilmas to all who celebrate.

: Cheeba City Blues sounds like Jack Dangers has joined Bill and Rhys in Noise Unit.

: One of the “entertaining” bits of date math: for a perspective that gets commonly used, …

: How the Fediverse is going for me: posting from Micro.blog; boosting from Mastodon.

: All science is either physics or stamp collecting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW_arnd3r_I Lots …

: I get so much utility from Twitter. For one tiny aspect, it’s the best way for me to keep up …

: Yet again, [expletive] git is so damn bad at merging YAML.

: The first evidence for dark matter in a black hole?! 📺 This is really good. Starting to understand …

: One of today’s moods.

: Weird reading the announcement about some new music “… features backing vocals by the late, …

: Lard - 70s Rock Must Die 🎵 I played this for a friend once and he said that it was too much an …

: Chrome and Safari still don’t have built-in JSON formatting? Seriously? Steal Firefox’s …

: Malware that likes to give the middle finger to anyone that wants to de-fang it. Securonix Threat Labs Security Advisory: Detecting STEEP#MAVERICK: New Covert Attack Campaign …

: Watch Baraka (1992) and fall in love with Dead Can Dance again. 🎥

: I just “love” responses from the Slack API like fatal_error; not only are they …

: ASMR insanity: Drunk Mel Gibson Arrest Diorama 📺 So, so awesome.

: I wish Linux supported SIGINFO.

: I ❤️ HTTP status 204.

: Gotta be one of the best hooks ever: 🎵 Who will tell my drunken friend that she will die and go to …

: Streaming services need a hide-all-horror-movies switch. I don’t even want to see the poster …

: MOnuMENTImotion: 10 minutes of fine eastern European weirdness. 📺 Today has turned out to be …

: Obscure by Jlin, performed by Third Coast Percussion 🎵📺

: “Miami is a vibrant, growing metropolis that embodies the American Dream — embracing the …

: Sooooooo much wasted space because Postgres doesn’t support unsigned integers…

: The Censored Drag Queens of World War II

: Ugh. All the head canon violations.

: “How to Murder Your Husband” writer found guilty of murdering her husband That headline …

: The scp command is changing Surprising that this misfeature lasted this long. Future deprecation notice A near-future release …

: DNA Lounge is dropping vaccination requirements so they can stay in business. This sucks.

: Ah, the “wonderful” feeling of making large-scale changes to authorization code. It …

: Today I learned that there was a North American Cat Gap.

: Really wish that SQL supported the concept of “we know there isn’t a value here” …

: “Script”: a slur used by programming language bigots to denigrate dynamic languages. “That isn’t s …

: According to the Chicago Board of Elections Illinois residents can now register for a Permanent Vote …

: *mumble* *grumble* Frickin’ systems that won’t obey Unicode variation selector 15. …

: Press by Devonté Hynes, Third Coast Percussion with The People’s Music School 📺

: Pickup on South Street is spectacular. Thanks to Lions, Towers, & Shields, I’ll watch …

: Ah, the modern age of programming against an API that involves case-insensitivity. How does it do …

: Website fined by German court for leaking visitor’s IP address via Google Fonts Good. Need …

: Weird that, in 2022, Ruby still doesn’t have a fold-case method for Strings. Oops, turns out …

: What is a number? 📺 This is really, really good.

: Just set a reminder for January 9th, 2032 to renew my Pinboard account. 😄

: It’s been a This Mortal Coil festival around here for the last week or so.

: Enjoy the story of the Puritan war on Christmas: overcast.fm/+L-hp9XIb… 🎙

: Merry Consumermas: www.youtube.com/watch 🎄💰🎵📺

: I learn about memes that I didn’t know existed by watching Kirby Ferguson. 📺

: Today’s dumb mistake: sudo iptables -A INPUT -j DROP 😳

: Regulators don’t allow any licensee to buy Arm; does Arm go under? www.crn.com/news/comp… If …

: 🍂 Fall-iage 📷

: “Iguazú Superior, antes de descender por la Garganta del Diablo” by Georg Friedrich Haas …

: Metaverse 1994: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vrml

: The wonderous thing about the pandemic life is all the package tracking you get to do wherein you …

: Eating Raoul (1982) is still awesome: www.youtube.com/watch Beat me! Whip me! Make me write bad …

: It sits on a shelf next to a copy of K&R (2nd ed.). (Prompted by brian d foy’s 8th ed. post: …

: GNU coreutils v9: lists.gnu.org/archive/h…

: <meta charset="utf-16"> 🤮

: Weird hearing Kirby Ferguson (Patreon/Twitter) sampled on the new Ministry album.

: A taco made with a pita instead of a tortilla is a sandwich. 🌮

: 🎵 I can see the future, and it makes me wish that I was blind 🎵 …

: I still find it hilarious that Slack interprets “mrkdwn” in tweets.

: It is not clear from the systemd.time man page, but OnCalendar=*-*-* *:*/10:00 UTC is invalid. …

: Bounty Hunter Tears Into Houston on Motorcycle Wearing Bandolier of Pregnancy Tests 📰

: Really weird to have to buy physical media to get legal access to something in 2021.

: A comment I made in some code today: I will be shocked if this code doesn't need adjusting or …

: The mysterious origins of Universe's biggest black holes Black holes on a collision course spin around one another with increasing speed as they draw closer. …

: Just amazing animation of 100 marble drop machines feeding one-into-another: www.youtube.com/watch 📺 …

: 1Password 7 will be the last version of 1Password to support standalone vaults. Well. Shit.

: I like this idea: Illinois Is The First State To Have High Schools Teach News Literacy. I hope it …

: Today’s bounce inducer.

: Bouncing along to the Icon of Coil cover of “Headhunter”.

: A good afternoon of deleting code. 🙂

: Reminder: never generate or parse CSV by hand. Always use a library. CSV is way more complicated …

: On this day, in 1915, the U.S. invades and takes over Haiti: overcast.fm/+Yo39oJQ8… 🎙

: Whee! Backticks in tweets get translated to code blocks when loaded by Slack.

: Unfortunately for me, qr<> is valid Perl, but it gives you a reference to a regex; it does not …

: I’ve been away from Perl for too long. Was trying to use qr<>xms instead of …

: Line of JavaScript I wrote today: container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML; The container is an …

: Always a weird feeling when you do a significant refactoring and all the tests pass on the first run …

: Parallel correlated subqueries make for some insane looking code.

: Database design tip: instead of a boolean column, use a nullable timestamp. This way you get your …

: Write failing test. Spend a bunch of time trying to figure out how to implement the feature being …

: <blink> and <marquee> eat your heart out. …

: I 💙 @jamesthomson@mastodon.social.

: “Another Biafra sticker!”

: Shortcuts on Mac? Pffft. I want Terminal on iPhone.

: … if you are a telecom executive or regulator in the United States, […] Starlink […] is a sign that …

: Using mass nouns in APIs is a bit of a pain. Ah, the fun of translating inconsistent English into a …

: Happy Hindenburg day!

: Lately I’ve been using “update” instead of “upgrade” in commit messages, etc. because I want …

: Playing Cozy Grove reminds me of reading PJF’s foraging tweets.

: One more step down the road to a Web monoculture: tenfourfox.blogspot.com/2020/04/t…

: Firefox is going to start trimming cross-origin “Referer” headers: …

: Had a merge conflict so difficult that I copied the HEAD part into one new file and the other branch …

: “… this little independent software company that promotes itself by trolling the tech industry …

: Biggest beef with Big Sur UI: the tiny cancel icons on notifications.

: Mike Duncan teaching his kid about Satie’s Gymnopedie #1 reminded me of Endorphin’s Satie 1. 🎵

: Going to be listening to The Kleptone’s Lockdown Radio all week. 🎵

: I’ve been noticing usage of “categorically” in the past several days and the meaning of it is …

: The Tongue 📷

: How does anyone get any development done with Chrome? You can’t get it to accept self-signed …

: Surprised, yet again, that when people realize that there may be a difference in the way an emoji …

: Today seems like a Roomful of Teeth day. 🎵

: Still finding noise cancelling of Air Pods Max amazing. Have to strain to tell that washing machine …

: Third Coast Percussion: “Halo” by Joe W. Moore III: www.youtube.com/watch 🎵

: The problem with watching Marvel stuff is that the Marvel Studios theme uses a bell that is exactly …

: TIL git lfs migrate import only properly deals with the last --import option you give it.

: Removed all my political Twitter filters. 🎉

: Neato. iPadOS 14 Photos.app can find Lego images.

: One.

: New Front Line Assembly, hooray! soundcloud.com/metropoli… 🎵

: Classical music: “Mars Needs Women” by Meat Beat Manifesto 🎵

: It’s after Thanksgiving, so that means that it’s time to listen to The Pretty Little …

: Thumbs up to today’s Stratechery: “The Idea Adoption Curve”.

: The time zone of the day is CHADT (a.k.a. Pacific/Chatham during daylight saving time), which is …

: Today I learned about yh a YAML highlighter. It only accepts input on stdin; weird that you …

: Crying in relief.

: For whatever reason, git seems to have a really difficult time resolving conflicts in YAML.

: 🗳 Voted.

: Currently being annoyed by the spelling difference between “preceding” and “succeeding”.

: As someone that maintains a (non-public) service that sends SMS messages via phone carrier email …

: After watching “Rally and Sustain” yesterday, I’ve got to listen to Iron Lung Corp this …

: Watched Rally And Sustain: The Cracknation Documentary I miss Acucrack. (Also available at …

: Ballot has arrived. 🗳📬

: Reminder that tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

: I’m not into Lloyd Cole, but go find out how to support the musicians you love.

: The absolutely best thing to come out of Apple last year. No spam calls disturb me now. Most don’t …

: Juggling 5 long-lived branches involves lots of “fun”. And before you start in on the evils of …

: Every time I run gitg, the window gets a few pixels taller and wider until I notice it and have to …

: Holy crud, pgloader is awesome! It handled a complicated SQLite conversion with a Sequel-defined …

: I’m in the mood for some angry Irish bile. Time for The Fatima Mansions. 🎵

: Not happy for summer to end, but will be so glad for cicada noise to stop.

: After watching “The Godfather: Part II”, it is fun to go back and watch 📺 Every Frame a …

: 📺 Does “land area” assume a country is perfectly flat? Hello, Switzerland!

: In Vim, replace all spaces with underscores within the current or most recent visual selection: …

: What is this “too direct” thing? I find that entirely appropriate. 😬

: Having problems with building Ruby with OpenSSL on Mac?

: A benefit of becoming an ATP member is getting ahead of ATP References. Previously, they were …

: Slack API emits a warning if you don’t specify an encoding. Which is stupid because the JSON spec …

: Energy levels down, and then random shuffle brings up 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 Burning inside! 🎵 Burning …

: Listening to the Interstellar soundtrack over and over.

: The current self-signed-certificate situation in Chrome is so stupid. Chrome is just completely …

: Oooh. New in Firefox 78: New RegExp engine in SpiderMonkey, adding support for the dotAll flag, …

: I’m voting by mail. www.chicagoelections.gov/en/vote-b…

: One of my favorite Wikipedia entries is Time in Indiana. The permutations of time zones and daylight …

: This is what should happen with statues dedicated to racists. 🎙️

: Today is a day for Snog’s “Born to Be Mild” 🎵

: Guh. What I want in Slack is actual threads, not the current things they call threads, which are …

: Pretty much what I think of most NoSQL.

: Wow. I’m awake now. “Metal Machine Music, part II” just came up on random shuffle. 🎵

: I still love Breakmaster Cylinder’s Tokyo 🎵

: Zsh comes with Tetris.

: June 8th, the Rough House Theatre will be doing another online edition of Nasty, Brutish, and Short. …

: Having “I pity the fool!” flashbacks: twitter.com/ILComptro…

: TIL about sort -h.

: OMFSM. The Kleptones have a Patreon? Sign me up! 🎵

: 📷 Art will survive

: Today, there will be a Meat Beat Manifestation. 🎵

: Feeling Captain Vegetable right now. 🎵

: Interesting that the local Whole Foods is being turned into a temporary distribution center.

: There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and git commit histories. – me 💬

: I guess today is going to turn into a 🎵 Musique 🎵 Non Stop 🎵 Techno Pop 🎵 day. Thank you, Florian.

: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows …

: Always code assuming that there are bugs somewhere else in your code, because there are. – …

: It’s an Opus Dei kind of day. 🎵

: TIL about Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V to copy and paste in Gnome Terminal.

: Lame Zoom app does not do split screen on iPad.

: Watching office chair comparison videos. (Seriously.)

: 📷 Everything is going to be alright

: Work discussions can get fairly esoteric: echo $(cat <(echo -n - && echo e)) "\x2dn” …

: Work from home fallout: debugging service generated email that MS Outlook for Mac claimed had no …

: I’ve been listening to Dead Can Dance, Gerrard, and Perry on shuffle all day. Reached The Host …

: ♬ Don’t believe their lies ♬ Stay the fuck at home ♬ www.youtube.com/watch

: O’Reilly shutting down their conference business is just gobsmacking. I don’t know how to …

: I have gotten so used to having a Touch Bar that I miss it when using an old MBP and a dialog pops …

: Really appreciating the use of invisible chapters in the Stratechery Daily Update podcast to show …

: Monday at 7pm America/Chicago, Rough House Theater’s quarterly Nasty, Brutish, and Short will be …

: 🎭 Cabinet of Curiosity’s “The Farewell Fables” got live streamed from Links Hall earlier …

: Reading all the depressing stuff going on, but then iTunes shuffled to Kate Bush’s “The Big …

: Impressive turnout for early voting for the Illinois primary on a Sunday afternoon.

: Watched The Last Starfighter (1984) for the first time today. Weird waiting so long to see a hit …

: Listening to Mike Duncan talk on this week’s Revolutions episode about Russian censors and …

: Watching “I, Claudius” again due to I, Podius. Just watched Livia’s “pep …

: What I really miss from Day One v1 is the ability to edit complete entries in Vim. There is no way …

: The weirdest thing about using Gnome 3 is how windows slowly sink until their bottom edges hit the …

: Using words from Low Definition to generate test data. My current fake user is “Ballhooter …

: Don’t listen to podcasts on Spotify: techcrunch.com/2020/01/0…

: Hope you are enjoying the Saturnalia revels.

: Just removed all my space movie filters.

: If you’re watching The Mandalorian, you might want to give A Complicated Profession a listen. 🎙

: Saved up this week’s Hello Internet episode for the best listening venue for any episode of the …

: It’s weird that POSIX semaphores allow you to query the current value (sem_getvalue(3)), but …

: *gobble* I *gobble* 💙 *gobble* Low Definition *gobble* so *gobble* much *gobble*. …

: Podcast inspired tourism.

: Be wary of what commands you use with Homebrew. You may unknowingly opt yourself into the beta line …

: Leftovers Michael: “What are we eating?” Mom: “Leftovers, honey.” Michael: “Leftovers from what?” Mom: …

: I would love a podcast episode of Mike Duncan and Ben Thompson discussing …

: Noise Unit’s “Drill”, most especially “Miracle”, still makes me so, so happy …

: I’m hoping someone digitizes this live music archive: interactive.wbez.org/curiousci… …

: Declaring bankruptcy on @viticci ‘s iOS 12 review.

: Have been really enjoying Roomful of Teeth’s first album this past week. 🎵

: 📺 How much of popular history is made up just because it makes a nice story? An example: …

: 🎙 Headphones for this one (100 seconds) Wrap It Up — The World According to Sound: …

: 🔖 Filmmaker mode: Stop the over saturation insanity.

: 🎙 Most Important Meal 33: We Live In a Coffee Society ☕️

: 🎙 Notes on an Imagined Plaque to be Added to the Statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, Upon …

: 📖 The story behind CVE-2019-13013 You may start reading this and say that nothing in there interests …

: There’s a Hole in the Bucket is actually a song about yak shaving.

: TIL systemctl status will take a process ID as an argument. It’ll look up the unit the process …

: What systemd unit is that process running under? cgroups v1: grep '^1:name=systemd:' …

: I just “love” how long these signs last.

: 📖 The Tragedy of UCS-2

: My favorite IOCCC entry from when I was in college: ioccc.org/1989/jar…. char*_="Hello …

: Weirdness: getting SMS spam trying to get Facebook credentials about every 40 minutes from …

: The weird thing about bingeing on www.revolutionspodcast.com episodes is the realization that Mike …

: Listened to Cage’s 4’33” on the L this morning with Smart Speed on in Overcast, so, probably, it was …

: 🎭 It Is Magic is the most well written thing I’ve seen in years.

: Found that Vagrant is truncating mtime to microseconds on files in shared directories. Oh, joy.

: Grrr. Really want a uint1 datatype in PostgreSQL.

: Autocorrect is now suggesting German-looking words. (I’m guessing because I don’t know …

: Gotta love Fluid.

: Achievement unlocked: get specifically mentioned in release notes due to implied hacking of file …

: I am really loving Third Coast Percussion’s version of David Skidmore’s Aliens with …

: Breakmaster Cylinder is pushing out the beets [sic]. 🎵

: 🏳️‍🌈 For this Pride Day, giving thanks for all that Dannie Flesher and Jim Nash did. Thank you for …

: The Doubleclicks show tonight was great! Here’s hoping that “Jenga Bus” thing turns into a real …

: TIL that you can add an exclamation to the :digraphs command in Vim to get the output chunked into …

: The spam callers are getting lazy. Just got a call with Caller ID “(773) 1xx-xxxx”. That isn’t …

: Have spent the weekend on Nebula bingeing on Legal Eagle and Lessons from the Screenplay episodes. …

: 📺 Our Ignorance About Gravity

: 📺 The Pronouns Song by The Doubleclicks

: How to test your newly upgraded copy of ack: cd to the directory where it is stored, and then run …

: Hey! Ack v3 is out! beyondgrep.com

: 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger is an energy 🎵 🎵 Anger …

: “Songs About Coffee” is the new “Fingertips”? (They Might Be Giants)

: 📺 Circus | Written by Tom Waits, Narrated by Ken Nordine, Illustrated by Joe Coleman

: HTTP servers that return errors with a 200 status. 🙄

: 🎙️ A debugging story: overcast.fm/+DzGVF52R…

: I wonder how this future "default" will need to be turned off. “Beginning in macOS 10.14.5, all new or updated kernel extensions and all software from …

: Ewww. Click-tracking built into HTML? Horrid. lapcatsoftware.com/articles/…

: No lines for voting. In and out.

: External iterators in Ruby are such a pain due to StopIteration. I really, really want a …

: Code comment I just wrote: # This could be done using a recursive regular expression, but I # don't …

: Oh, joy. I’m now working on stuff that explicitly cares what happens during a daylight savings …

: 🎙️Mac Power Users Live With surprise Europeans flown in.

: 🎙 The History of History Podcasts

: No line to vote today.

: systemd fallout Today’s systemctl --user … learning fun: The difference in resulting environments from ssh …

: What’s my public IP address? (Plus other stuff about your browser.) Nice.

: Doom clock

: Wow. The Microsoft Consolas font went open source. (via Ricky Mondello)

: Today’s minor epiphany: systemd does not parse the names of slices the same way as it does …


: Was perusing ancient Daring Fireball posts, and decided to look at odeo.com, expecting to be …

: Running command_line_lint reveals the top shell commands in my history as: gvim (15.7%), vcs (10.0%) …

: Just gave Vim fits by doing a gqip in the middle of a 5777 line, 180KiB swagger.yaml file.

: Robocall threatening that my “Microsoft Windows Services” will be stopped and that I will not …

: I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. (Thank you Viticci.) No, I don’t use Apple Music. This is …

: Bless me that I might do your dark works in this, the mortal realm! ☕

: Today I learned that the standard bulleted list handling in plain text files that I depend upon in …

: I just learned about the CSS user-select: none property. Eww.

: OMFSM, FLA is doing a cover of “Rock Me Amadeus”.

: The Steadfast Tin Soldier: Great costumes. Great puppets. Cool idea for what to do with the …

: New digital release of the Art Institute of Chicago’s collection means more Ivan Albright for …

: Yuck: slack.com/cookie-ta… But amazing that it is documented.

: Get yourself an education and learn from The Carl Stalling Project.

: Reading pipe(7). That BUGS section: ouch.

: Finally an iDevice that can hold my music collection.

: Elevator buttons at the National Museum of Mathematics.

: There are a lot of people trying to figure out how people are going to vote outside my polling …

: Allison Truj and Brian Hamilton are awesome: most-important-meal.com/episodes/…

: This traffic cone has been here for years 2018/7/12 East side of Olgilvie Station @ Washington & Canal “Computer, enhance.”

: Watching the Star Wars movies in Ernst Rister order. Not going with Machete order because I want to …