A taco made with a pita instead of a tortilla is a sandwich. 🌮

🎵 I can see the future, and it makes me wish that I was blind 🎵 schmerkindustries.bandcamp.com/track/the…

I still find it hilarious that Slack interprets “mrkdwn” in tweets.

It is not clear from the systemd.time man page, but

OnCalendar=*-*-* *:*/10:00 UTC

is invalid.

OnCalendar=*-*-* *:08/10:00 UTC


Really weird to have to buy physical media to get legal access to something in 2021.

A comment I made in some code today:

I will be shocked if this code doesn't need adjusting or throwing away and rewriting, but you have to start somewhere.

The mysterious origins of Universe's biggest black holes

Black holes on a collision course spin around one another with increasing speed as they draw closer. But very large black holes reach a point at about one parsec (3.26 light years) apart where their orbital velocity starts to balance out gravitational attraction. The decay of their orbits would happen so slowly that the actual merger could not happen within the current age of the Universe.

Nevertheless, physicists do believe such mergers happen, which requires new theories about how to overcome the so-called “final parsec problem”. Some additional force or energy is required to bring the orbiting black holes together.

The mysterious origins of Universe’s biggest black holes

Just amazing animation of 100 marble drop machines feeding one-into-another: www.youtube.com/watch 📺


Today’s bounce inducer.

Bouncing along to the Icon of Coil cover of “Headhunter”.

A good afternoon of deleting code. 🙂

Reminder: never generate or parse CSV by hand. Always use a library. CSV is way more complicated than you think it is.

On this day, in 1915, the U.S. invades and takes over Haiti: overcast.fm/+Yo39oJQ8… 🎙

Whee! Backticks in tweets get translated to code blocks when loaded by Slack.

Unfortunately for me, qr<> is valid Perl, but it gives you a reference to a regex; it does not perform a match.

I’ve been away from Perl for too long. Was trying to use qr<>xms instead of m<>xms.

Ruby: %q<>, Perl: q<>

Ruby: %Q<>, Perl: qq<>

Ruby: %w<>, Perl: qw<>

Ruby: %r<>, Perl: NOT qr<>, but m<>

Line of JavaScript I wrote today:

container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML;

The container is an <svg> tag that I’ve filled in from scratch via DOM manipulation. Firefox v90 won’t render any of it without that statement.
