Today I learned that the standard bulleted list handling in plain text files that I depend upon in Vim is actually a result of its “comments" handling.

I just learned about the CSS user-select: none property.


The Steadfast Tin Soldier: Great costumes. Great puppets. Cool idea for what to do with the musicians. Incomprehensible story at parts. Confusing use of physical scale.

New digital release of the Art Institute of Chicago’s collection means more Ivan Albright for everyone. Hooray!


But amazing that it is documented.

Get yourself an education and learn from The Carl Stalling Project.

Reading pipe(7). That BUGS section: ouch.

Finally an iDevice that can hold my music collection.

Elevator buttons at the National Museum of Mathematics.

There are a lot of people trying to figure out how people are going to vote outside my polling place.

Allison Truj and Brian Hamilton are awesome:…

Today I learned that, if you unset PS1 in Bash, it really displays nothing as a prompt. I would have thought that it would display something.

Listening to The Doubleclicks’ Music for Nerds by Women and Nonbinary Folks playlist. 🎵

📺 “Why can’t you recycle plastic bags in Chicago?”

Just figured out that exa does Mac-style ordering of numbered filenames. Awesome!

Giving prettyping a try. Nice, so far.

The source name length limit in RECaf is extremely frustrating.

Naming new iPhone Amphibious Blustery Flapdoodle.