The “IRS has a warrant out for your arrest” spam calls are getting ridiculous.

Got something useful done tonight.

Spam-caused double take: “New Brake Master Cylinder”. (vs Breakmaster Cylinder)

“Clonezone” is Clonezone the Hilaritor from Nexus ( #MyHandleExplained

Drafts 5 is making me extremely happy.

Thank you @agiletortoise.

The opening round of this weeks Inconceivable is brilliant: “Polearm or Cheese?” 🎙

*mumble* *grumble* JavaScript Sets don’t have a .length. Instead, they have a .size.

Shuttling chunks of JavaScript between Vim on on the MBP and Drafts 5 on the iPad via Dropbox.

It’s the Drafts 5 test.

Completed the Macstories review. I have plans for Drafts 5 this weekend.

I wonder what @ismh’s plans for May are:…

What does one do when Mike Duncan is on one of his breaks? Binge-relisten to your favorite previous revolution!

Today’s Planet Money Indicator is right up Brianna Wu’s campaign’s alley:…

Trying to manipulate an SQLite database from inside a VirtualBox VM and the host O/S, even sequentially, is not working very well. Have to write stuff to have the host poke operations through into the guest O/S.

Use Dredd to test APIs described by Swagger and want to get the buggy incorporation of tags into the test name out? Comment out this line.

Easily nerd-snipe Elliot: say the word “codepoint” within earshot.

*sigh* Sad, but probably true.…

Brilliant spoof or exemplar of the thing it is trying to criticise? 🎵 70’s Rock Must Die 🎵

egrep(1) is “non-standard” and deprecated???…

I find Bandcamp’s social features to be annoying and needless public display of private information. I want it to just be a store.