Google Chrome v63:
➡︎navigator.language = 'en-GB'
➡︎navigator.language = 'en-GB'
➡︎navigator.language = 'en-US'
I find it hard to believe how primitive date/time parsing in browsers is in 2018.
LC_ALL=en_CA.UTF-8 google-chrome
⇨ navigator.language
: “en-GB
”. 🤷♂️
Had to Wikipedia “autogyro” just now. Wowzers.
This review is great:…
I ❤️ the Firefox JSON renderer.
Where did all the emissions violating Volkswagen cars go? Here:…
I’m going to cry so hard:
This week’s Exponent is going to be entertaining:…
The proposal for adding the copyleft symbol to Unicode is awesome. Lots of examples of existing usage of the symbol.
If you live in Chicago and have not voted early, be ready for Tuesday’s election.
Never thought there would be a good explanation of why tariffs are bad that involved a sink clogged with lasagna.
It’s furniture and it’s lunch.
The earworm that I’ve had for the past day and a half: Do You Swear to Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth So Help Your Black Ass?. 🎵
Hi clonezone,
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble logging into Instagram. We can help you get straight back into your account.
I haven’t used Instagram since Facebook bought them.
I wish Alto’s Odyssey wasn’t impossible to play half the time due to not being able to see what is going on. And cranking the brightness to max does not fix the situation.
Check your voting machine security.
Third Coast Percussion makes me so happy. Tonight’s concert was so much fun. 🎵
Screen adaptive head(1) and tail(1) functions.
function hed {
head -n $(( $(tput lines) - $(eval "wc -l <<<$'$PS1'") )) "$@"
function tal {
tail -n $(( $(tput lines) - $(eval "wc -l <<<$'$PS1'") )) "$@"
function hed {
head -n $(( $(tput lines) - $(wc -l <<<"$PS1") )) $@
function tal {
tail -n $(( $(tput lines) - $(wc -l <<<"$PS1") )) $@
Note that my Zsh PS1
has real newlines in it, so there is no need for eval