… There was one other, but she was in Egypt. And, besides, she didn’t last as long as I did.
Searching YouTube for classical music —
result 1: “whatever, best version” result 2: “whatever - the original and best version” result 3: etc..
New Lustmord! Behold a Voice as Thunder 📺🎵
TIL of the German Coast uprising, the largest slave revolt in U.S. history, which resulted from, in multiple ways, the Haitian Revolution.
It took awhile, but I was finally able to watch The Set-Up (1949), and thus able to catch up with the first episode of Lions, Towers, and Shields.
Installed zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting
Yeah, yeah, Steamboat Willie, yeah, but the work that I’m most excited about becoming public domain today is The Front Page. I hope to see versions of it proliferate because I find it so entertaining. The most well known version of it right now is His Girl Friday.
The final episode of The Day the Universe Changed (on what questions society allows science to ask, how that affects our understanding of the universe, and how those change over time) is such a kick in the pants.
Growing up in the Chicago area in the 1980s makes this so weird: blockclubchicago.org/2023/12/2…
Some fine weirdness: Stone Giants: The Girl With The Great Ideas (That I Steal) 📺🎵
Hearing a pop song for the first time outside of a Breakmaster Cylinder mashup on Canada’s Drag Race…
Hour-long interview of Ben Burtt by Adam Savage.
Nicely done.
Burtt says that “THX”, the name of the sound system, is not derived from Lucas’ movie title.
Firefox can now force links to always be underlined. This option can be enabled in the Browsing section of the Firefox Settings menu.
Eat it, form-over-function designers.
Third party cookies start going away next year. I have my doubts about how fast this will actually happen.
“What would a magnitude 15 earthquake be like?": www.youtube.com/watch 📺
Ugh. All these -15 “earthquakes” happening around my chair.